
Displaying results 871 to 880 of 1444.


Searching for drugs against SARS-CoV-2

"I am confident that within a few weeks we will find substances that can inhibit the replication of the virus. This will give us a comprehensive picture of the effectiveness of the substances against this corona virus, as the investigations in the various laboratories…


Kliniklabor bekommt Unterstützung vom HZI und der TU Braunschweig

Beide Institutionen stellen dem Klinikum Braunschweig sowohl Technik, als auch fachliches Know-How zur Verfügung. Dr. Thomas Bartkiewicz, Ärztlicher Direktor des Klinikums Braunschweig, sagt: „Durch die enorme Unterstützung können wir unsere Testkapazitäten deutlich…


To the site of action - in the nanotransporter

The world is currently fascinated by pharmaceutical research, which is supposed to free us from the burden of the new coronavirus SARS-CoV-2. In addition to the search for a vaccine, the further development of other drugs is of crucial importance, especially now and…


Inactivated viruses for vaccine development

Four projects are currently being developed to exploit the possibilities of GSI and FAIR research in the corona crisis and to expand the fundamental knowledge about the virus. The researchers are working on contributions to the development of vaccines as well as on…


Helmholtz position paper on the epidemiological situation

The HZI scientists from the departments of Systems Immunology (located at BRICS ) and Epidemiology, together with colleagues from Forschungszentrum Jülich, analyse available epidemiological data in Germany and the German federal states using mathematical models. With…


"It's too early to ease restrictions"

At present, there are increasing demands to relax the restrictions on social life that have been imposed since mid-March. So far, it has remained relatively unclear how effective the restrictions are. Scientists led by the physicist Prof Michael Meyer-Hermann, head of…


Step-by-step Plan for after the Shutdown

The strategy envisions the gradual easing of current restrictions in a differentiated way and under continuous consideration of the risks. Priority will be given to restrictions that incur high economic costs or lead to severe social and health burdens. Regions with low…


SORMAS supports German health authorities in contact person management

The mobile eHealth system SORMAS (Surveillance, Outbreak Response Management and Analysis System) was developed at the Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research (HZI) together with national and international partners in response to the Ebola outbreak in West Africa in…


Bacteria alter their surface to infect host cells

The flagellums’ long, external filament is composed of several thousand copies of the same protein known as flagellin. The Gram-negative bacteria Salmonella Typhimurium express two distinct flagellins, FliC and FljB, which undergo the methylation of their lysine…


"We are not defenceless against the novel coronavirus"

Professor Heinz, a contact ban has been in effect in Germany since 23 March to slow down the spread of the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2. How sensible is this measure in your view? I currently regard the restriction of social contacts as a very important measure to give…
