Safety and Environmental Affairs

The department for safety and environmental affairs takes over the central duties for occupational health and safety (OHS) and environmental affairs that should not be delegated to the heads of the departments of the Helmholtz-Centre for Infection Research. The department controls the implementation of the relevant laws and regulations dealing with OHS and environmental protection.

The head of the department reports to the management of the Helmholtz-Centre for Infection Research and makes proposals for relevant measures. The safety engineer organizes the meetings of the occupational health committee substitutionally for the management and he writes the protocols. The safety engineer, the works doctor, and the speaker of the biosafety committee take part in the meetings of the occupational health committee and report about safety-aspects of general relevance.

Furthermore the S3 Laboratory is part of this department. More information about this special laboratory can be found here.


Dr Susanne Talay
Dr Susanne Talay
Head of Department - Safety and Environmental Affairs
Biosafety Level 3 Laboratory
HZI Campus
Dr Kai Schulze
Dr Kai Schulze
Head of Research Group
Biosafety Level 3 Laboratory
HZI Campus