Conflict Resolution

People from over fifty nations work and carry out research at the Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research. This makes it all the more important for the centre to maintain a culture of mutual respect and tolerance. Discrimination, sexual harassment or the abuse of power will not be tolerated.


Protection from sexual harassment in the workplace

In cases of sexual harassment in the workplace, the ‘Protection from Sexual Harassment in the Workplace’ guidelines provide initial guidance, especially for those who have been the target of sexual harassment. For confidential initial discussions, our contact persons, the equal opportunities officer as well as supervisors or HR management are available. You can find their contact details in the intranet (only from the HZI network). In addition, the works council can always be contacted in cases that fall within the scope of its local responsibilities.

This HZI initiative supports prevention as defined in the General Act on Equal Treatment (AGG); in cases where sexual harassment may have taken place, we offer active support.