World Class research demands concentrated and focused support. To be internationally successful, adequate financial resources and a supportive environment are both important. This applies also to the Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research (HZI). Scientists at the HZI study the mechanisms involved in infectious diseases and host defense. They systematically translate the results of basic research into clinical applications. The Friends of the HZI make an important contribution to these efforts.
What are the goals of the Friends of the HZI?
The Friends of the HZI:
- support knowledge and information transfer
- sponsor scientific events and publications
- sponsor scientific education and training activities
- sponsor the worldwide networking of HZI scientists with companies and alumni
- honor special achievements of young scientists by prizes
- honor outstanding scientific achievements by awarding the Inhoffen Medal (together with the Technical University of Braunschweig) and the Jürgen Wehland price
- engage for a targeted public information on topics of infection research and its medical applications
We promote the HZI through our wide network and financial support.
Joining us
As a member of the association ”Friends of the HZI” you support the HZI both ideally and financially:
You will be in close contact with the network of the HZI-Alumni and you can support HZI members with your experience. This is of great help to scientists to expand their global contacts. With your financial contribution you help us to support the promotion of young researchers, networking and knowledge transfer. Any additional donations are always welcome and are - like the membership fee - tax deductible.
The association “Friends of the HZI” regularly informs you about the latest developments in our institute. You are invited to all events of the association in person. In this way you maintain direct contact with the scientists of the institute and keep up to date with all scientific questions that are dealt with at the HZI.
Your commitment to research funding
The Corona epidemic shows very clearly how important infection research is for all of us. The HZI is actively conducting research into the prevention and treatment of SARS-CoV-2 infections as well as modeling the epidemic. HZI scientists are also intensively involved in the public debate. For example, HZI researchers and members of the Friends of the HZI Melanie Brinkmann, Gérard Krause and Michael Meyer-Hermann were interviewed as experts in a variety of media about their assessment of the situation. Not least the "Helmholtz Paper on the Reproduction Number", which was co-developed by the HZI, has brought the Center into the public eye and contributed to an objective discussion.
The Friends of the HZI support the research activities in a variety of ways. For example, the association promotes the research of colleagues Gérard Krause and Michael Meyer-Hermann by funding scientist positions.
You can also help to continue and strengthen these activities by donating to the association. We are happy to issue donation receipts. If you decide to do so, please contact us or transfer your donation to our account at Commerzbank.
Donation account of the association:
Commerzbank Braunschweig
IBAN: DE47 2704 0080 0527 4055 00
Direct support for specific research projects or individual scientists at the HZI is also very welcome. In this way, you can make an even more targeted contribution than before to helping researchers at the HZI lay the foundations for new diagnostic procedures, active substances and therapies against infectious diseases. The coordinator for this research funding at the HZI, Katrin MacLeod, will be happy to provide you with further information.
Board of Management
- Prof Klemens Rottner
- Prof Joachim Klein
- Dr Hansjörg Hauser
Extended Board
- Gerhard Beutin, Wolfenbüttel
- Prof. Dr. Gerard Krause, Genf
- Dr. Harald Dinter, Berlin
- Prof. Dr. Dr h. c. Dirk Heinz, Braunschweig
- Prof. Dr. Dieter Jahn, Braunschweig
- Prof. Dr. Axel Kleemann, Hanau
- Dr. Christiane Kügler-Walkemeyer, Braunschweig