Creating the conditions to develop the full professional potential of women and men and to enable them to participate equally in working life is a complex challenge. For this purpose, we must establish adequate structures.
The responsibilities of the Equal Opportunities Officer at the HZI, including its various locations, is to enhance equal opportunities for women and men and to prevent discrimination based on gender. In addition, I support my colleagues in reconciling work and family life. Further key objectives of my work are to promote the potential of women and to strengthen the motivation and competence of the management staff in the area of gender equality.
Gender equality is a collective task and therefore all managers and employees bear responsibility.
Especially the “Notification of the Administrative Agreement between the Federal and Länder Governments on the Establishment of a Joint Science Conference (GWK Agreement)” and the “Federal Act on Gender Equality (BGleiG)” provides the legal framework for most of our work.
Apart from the Equal Opportunities Office, other representatives at the HZI are committed to a fair working environment like the Family Office, the Works Committee and the Representative Body for Disabled Employees.
Further information can be found in the Gender Equality Plan of the HZI (document in German).
Compatibility of career and family
The compatibility of career and family life is a major concern of the HZI. Family-orientated work hours and flexible working time models are offered at the centre. In addition, the HZI has set up a Family Office to support its employees with family responsibilities.
Parent-Child Office
The HZI has set up a parent-child office on the campus in Braunschweig to make it easier to reconcile work and family life. The office is a short-term solution for bridging gaps in childcare. It comes with a computer workstation as well as a schoolwork area and a play area with toys and children’s books. The office is located on the ground floor of the Gründerzentrum (GZ). For additional information and user agreements, please visit the internal webpage.
Working Group
The working group AK FR.E.CH. consists of a maximum of ten women. Following the "Agreement on the Promotion of Equal Opportunities", the members will be elected by the female employees for a four-year period. The chairperson of the working group is the Equal Opportunities Officer. The Assistant Equal Opportunities Officer and the women's representatives are designated representatives according to the Rules of internal Procedure AK FR.E.CH.
The team supports the management as well as the Equal Opportunities Officer. The main issues of the working group are gender equality, compatibility of career and family life and the improvement of the professional situation - especially of women - at the HZI. The members are contact persons for all women and men at the HZI.