Sustainability at HZI

Our Self-Conception

Stethoscope on Earth Globe with Cityscape

Sustainability at the HZI means integrating and anchoring sustainable thinking and action in our daily work - be it in science or administration. Through its sustainable transformation, the HZI aims to…

  • become one of the most attractive employers for all people in health research.
  • show that sustainability and cutting-edge research are not mutually exclusive.
  • become a pioneer in biodiversity at its sites, sustainable work and a diverse, equal and inclusive corporate culture.

The global sustainability goals (UN SDGs), European and German legislation and the German sustainability strategy form the basis for this. The Helmholtz Association is clearly committed to sustainability with its “Research with Social Responsibility” [PDF in German] reflection framework (see also “Excellent research with social responsibility” [PDF in German]).

Sustainability Strategy

In order to effectively anchor this self-conception in the scientific and administrative practice of the center, the HZI set up a sustainability staff unit in April 2023 and adopted a mission statement in December 2023.

This identifies relevant fields of action for the HZI in the area of sustainability. These include, for example

  • promoting research in the field of climate and infections as well as sustainable research practice
  • promoting climate protection and climate adaptation activities at all sites
  • taking environmental protection and biodiversity measures,
  • strengthen sustainability initiatives by employees,
  • promote diversity, equal opportunities and inclusion (DEI),
  • strengthen sustainability in education and training,
  • involve stakeholders in the sustainability process,
  • strengthen internal and external sustainability communication and establish a permanent sustainability management system.


Dr Anne-Kathrin Winkler-Hanns
Dr Anne-Kathrin Winkler-Hanns
Head of Staff Unit
HZI Campus

Mission Statement

Collection of natural elements and scientific tools for research

The Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research is also developing new approaches and processes in pilot projects, for example in the areas of mobility, biodiversity, technical operation of our sites (e.g. new construction projects or renovations) and purchasing.

The mission statement forms the binding framework for sustainability management at our center. Both specific goals and action plans are derived from it.

To the mission statement (PDF) To the mission statement in easy language (PDF)

The HZI as an organization aims to... and implement the sustainability goals of the United Nations, the German sustainability strategy and the goals of the Helmholtz Association in its activities.
Icon UN Sustainability Goals

The staff unit Sustainability, founded in April 2023, developed the mission statement for sustainability at the HZI in a multi-stage participation process together with many employees from science and administration. It was accepted by the Executive Board and adopted in December 2023.

The staff unit Sustainability also consults with various stakeholders in the field of sustainability, for example within the Helmholtz Association as a member of the Sustainability Forum working group and the Energy Management and Greenhouse Gas Accounting working group.

...strengthen sustainability through contributions from infection research that deal with the causes and consequences of climate change.
Icon Sustainable Development Goals UN

With their research, the HZI and its sites are contributing to the sustainability goal of global health.

What role do climate change and shrinking animal and plant habitats play in the emergence and global spread of potentially pandemic pathogens? The Helmholtz Institute for One Health (HIOH) in Greifswald is using the One Health approach to explore the relationship between the health of humans and animals in their environment. The aim is to understand diseases that are transmitted from animals to humans, as well as antimicrobial resistance and the development of pathogens.

...actively support and promote research practice aligned with ethics and sustainability criteria in laboratories, in field trials, in collaborations and in dealing with scientific results.
Icon Global Health

The “Guidelines for Good Scientific Practice at the HZI” and other advisory and support services help researchers with their projects in the ethically correct handling of data.

...develop a climate strategy with mitigation and adaptation measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by 2035.
Icon CO2 neutral

The HZI is continuously reducing its energy consumption through various measures. On the campus in Braunschweig, it has switched to LED lighting throughout the buildings and outdoor areas. Through measures in heat and steam generation, such as improved control and the replacement of insulation, the HZI has made local energy distribution more resource-friendly and efficient.

The center intends to identify and implement further energy-saving measures. To this end, it is currently preparing to introduce a certified energy management system (EMS) in accordance with DIN ISO 50001.

At the same time, the HZI is preparing a greenhouse gas (GHG) balance for Scope 1-3 in accordance with the greenhouse gas (GHG) Protocol for the first time in 2025. This will enable the center to derive measures that will help us to reduce and avoid emissions. Unavoidable emissions are to be substituted by the use of renewable energies, for example, or compensated for in exceptional cases. The electricity-related GHG emissions from Scope 2 have already been reduced to a minimum since 2024 by switching to certified green electricity at the Braunschweig and Hanover sites.

Due to its research profile, the HIOH is represented by local research stations in West Africa and therefore relies on international travel. The teams plan their trips in a resource-efficient manner by carrying out longer assignments on site instead of making many individual, shorter trips. In this way, employees minimize the number of long flights and save CO2. The HIOH also aims to carry out as many analyses as possible in the field and partner laboratories. The aim is to reduce CO2 emissions by reducing the number of samples that would otherwise have to be transported by air.

The TWINCORE - Centre for Experimental and Clinical Infection Research in Hanover has permanently reduced the temperature of refrigerators in some research areas. To this end, employees developed a comprehensive evaluation concept on requirements, user behavior and effects on the stored samples. All relevant groups were involved, which resulted in a high level of acceptance for the measure. The TWINCORE has purchased two cargo bikes that employees can borrow. Newly installed motion detectors save electricity in laboratories and offices. The conversion to controllable LED lighting in laboratories and all other areas is being spread over several years. In 2024, significantly more than half of the laboratories were already equipped with the energy-saving variants. TWINCORE has had an electric vehicle since 2022. The acquisition of an even more efficient model is planned for 2025.

...permanently reduce the environmental impact of the HZI in the areas of waste, fresh water consumption and the use of recyclable materials.
Icon Waste and pollution

Employees of the purchasing department at the HZI have set up an internal unit for equipment and laboratory accessories that are no longer used but are still functional. This gives other working groups the opportunity to easily take these and use them for further research. In this way, the HZI strengthens the re-use of equipment, avoids waste and unnecessary new purchases.

The HIOH builds field laboratories in West Africa with local partners and equips them with materials. Items imported for this purpose are selected so that they can be used locally for longer and disposed of safely. HIOH employees sensitize local partners to the use of washable protective clothing in order to avoid disposable solutions.

The HIOH has already taken care to conserve resources and avoid waste when designing the laboratory work. For example, when purchasing energy-efficient laboratory equipment (e.g. ultra-low temperature freezers). Furthermore, many processes in the laboratory are automated with the help of pipetting robots. This means that fewer reagents, i.e. chemicals for the experiments, are required and the reproducibility of scientific results increases.

...implement the center-wide biodiversity targets through site-adapted measures by 2027.
Icon Biodiversity

The HZI has developed a biodiversity guideline to adapt green spaces in the city center in a sustainable and climate-resilient way. The focus is on strengthening local urban nature. Adequate measures should preserve biodiversity, strengthen existing green spaces against drought stress and heavy rainfall events and promote stakeholder dialogs and actions on biodiversity.

The TWINCORE sought advice from the Umweltzentrum Hannover e.V. (Hanover Environmental Center): As a result, employees jointly planted an insect-friendly meadow on the site and created natural recreational areas. Accompanying information increased the popularity among employees.

At the campus in Braunschweig, sponge city-like water systems were created to collect rainwater in a controlled and natural way, even during heavy rainfall events, and gradually release it into the surrounding area. This near-natural flood protection also offers an attractive terrain formation that is popular for 'breaks in the green'. Together with employees, local bee species were recorded and suitable deadwood piles and sandy areas were created. The HZI has reduced the number of mowing sessions for green areas to two per year since 2023. Since then, these areas have developed into species-rich meadows. Another measure is the ban on the use of diesel-powered leaf vacuum cleaners and the renunciation of fossil-fueled garden tools in the future. In addition, we carry out regular tours with those responsible for green areas and continue to develop biodiversity management in order to make the campus even more natural.

...actively promote an equitable, inclusive and diverse center culture through the development and implementation of action guidelines by 2025.
Icons on corporate responsibility

The HZI is a signatory to the "Charta der Vielfalt", a nationwide initiative to promote diversity and inclusion in German organizations. We are constantly working to create a culture of inclusion that values different perspectives and experiences. By prioritizing equality, we want to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to thrive at the HZI, regardless of their background or identity. Among other things, we use the Helmholtz Guidelines for Diversity and Inclusion. The representative body for severely disabled employees represents the interests of affected employees and advocates for their interests in the relevant committees.

In the Corporate Culture Statement published in 2023, diversity and tolerance are fundamental components of TWINCORE's corporate culture. In order to develop this further, inclusion and diversity have been an integral part of both the Sustainability Working Group and the New Work Working Group since 2024. Employees also organize an annual diversity day. There are two first aiders for mental health (Mental Health First Aider). TWINCORE has added a free-standing office module and child-friendly equipment (changing table, nursing chair, play corner) to the quiet room for pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers in order to promote the compatibility of work and family life.

The Helmholtz Institute for RNA-based Infection Research (HIRI) is committed to equal opportunities, diversity and sustainable leadership and is committed to complying with and continuously developing its corresponding management standards.

HIRI invites its employees to help shape their working environment sustainably through an active suggestion scheme.

In order to attract less represented groups, HIRI undertakes targeted scouting activities and strives for individual dual-career options. With its Research Career Development Fellowship, the institute offers young researchers the framework conditions to combine starting a family and launching their own scientific career. For example, HIRI employees can take advantage of childcare in Würzburg, use a fully equipped family office as a workplace, work mobile and flexibly or receive on-site childcare at conferences and scientific seminars.

Flat hierarchies, trained first aiders for mental health and trained contact persons for topics such as sexual harassment round off the Würzburg institute's commitment.

...appropriately involve relevant persons and interest groups (stakeholders) related to the activities of the HZI.
Icon sustainability as a stakeholder interest

The HZI maintains an exchange with the relevant stakeholder groups in research, science, civil society and at local, regional and (inter)national level at all locations in order to also strengthen sustainability aspects.

In 2017, the Helmholtz Institute for Pharmaceutical Research Saarland (HIPS) invited interested citizens to collect soil samples from which HIPS researchers isolated novel soil bacteria as a source of new active ingredients as part of the “Sample' das Saarland” pilot project. At the same time, participants received valuable information on the topics of drug development and antimicrobial resistance as well as feedback on the bacteria found in their samples. Due to the high level of participation in “Sample' das Saarland” and the high scientific value of the samples submitted, the project was extended to the whole of Germany and renamed MICROBELIX. The aim is to discover unknown natural substances that form the basis for the development of new active ingredients. It also aims to raise awareness of the proper use of antibiotics so that they are available to society as effective medicines in the long term.

The HIOH works closely with the city of Greifswald and participates, for example, in sustainability and information events organized by the city and the federal state. Citizens can thus learn more about the interfaces between healthy people, animals and the environment. Furthermore, the institute has been cooperating with a grammar school in the city of Greifswald since 2024 and offers pupils an insight into scientific practice. The pupils learn about different scientific methods in the CiFly citizen science project. At the same time, they support biodiversity and research into antibiotic resistance. The project is part of the One Health region of Western Pomerania, is led by the University of Greifswald and is supported by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).

At the Braunschweig campus, the BioS school laboratory offers pupils an authentic insight into biomedical research as an extracurricular place of learning. In numerous courses, pupils learn about laboratory practice at a research center using state-of-the-art instruments and procedures. To this end, the HZI cooperates with the TU Braunschweig, the Leibniz Institute DSMZ - German Collection of Microorganisms and Cell Cultures and the state of Lower Saxony.

The HZI is in dialog with the city of Braunschweig and exchanges views on various topics in the field of sustainability. On the Open Day, the staff unit Sustainability gives interested visitors an insight into the Center's commitment to sustainability. Activities, especially for children and young people, provide a playful introduction to the connection between infection research and sustainability. In addition, the unit reports on activities at specialist events and conferences and engages in dialog.

...promote initiatives related to sustainability among employees.
Icon Empowerment

Numerous HZI employees are committed to sustainability in various formats and forms, thereby promoting acceptance of the issue.

In 2024, the GREEN&colourful team emerged from the participation process for the sustainability mission statement with many committed employees. The team has developed a comprehensive action plan that provides valuable information for the work of the staff unit and other departments. In addition, the team has launched its own initiatives in laboratories or in the further development of guidelines to support the sustainable transformation of the center. The annual participation in STADTRADELN is a great tradition at all sites. With extra after-work tours for employees and tips on cycling, sustainable mobility becomes a health-promoting community experience.

The sustainability working group at TWINCORE has initiated and implemented numerous campaigns and measures since it was founded in 2021. For example, the members of the working group were able to use the proceeds from a cake sale for bird nesting boxes and flower meadow seeds.

Various decentralized groups have developed at the HIOH on topics such as urban gardening or networking the LGBTQ community in the city of Greifswald, which enrich the life of the institute. The HIOH has also been actively participating in the STADTRADELN initiative since 2022 in order to contribute to climate protection and promote sustainable mobility. At the same time, this promotes awareness among employees for environmentally friendly transportation by cycling instead of driving.

...anchor sustainable approaches in training and further education in science and administration.
Icon Approaches to action in sustainability

Every year, interested employees of the HZI take part in the Sustainability Summit of the Helmholtz Association, which lasts several days, and actively contribute to the discussions in the alliance of non-university research institutions. The Sustainability Summit is co-organized by the staff unit Sustainability as part of the Sustainability Forum working group.

...communicate internally and externally on sustainability topics related to the activities of the HZI.
Icon head with a leaf

The staff unit regularly provides information about upcoming events and key topics in town hall formats, on the intranet and at the summer festival. The staff unit Sustainability also offers interested citizens an insight into the Center's various activities at open days, on the internet and on social media, as well as at specialist conferences. In addition, the HZI supports the Helmholtz Association's Climate Initiative with expertise on climate change and infection research.

...measure, evaluate and develop progress in achieving sustainability goals and report to donors and stakeholders.
Icon sustainability report

The staff unit reports on the sustainability goals and progress to the Management Board, the Supervisory Board and funding bodies. In future, the management will regularly review the HZI's progress in sustainability. A sustainability monitoring system is currently being set up to systematically support the HZI's sustainability management.

...provide and permanently secure the necessary human, financial and organizational resources.
Icon a hand holding three persons

Sustainability management at the HZI is developed and implemented by the staff unit Sustainability. The head of the staff unit reports directly to the administrative management and is a member of all key committees.