
Displaying results 711 to 720 of 773.



Zoonoses - Life between the species © Adobe Stock/dottedyeti Monkeypox pathogen. Zoonoses are infection illnesses which can be transferred naturally by the animal on the person. The zoonoses pathogens enclose bacteria, viruses, parasites, fungal infections…



Diabetes and infections © AdobeStock/Piman Khrutmuang Diabetics must regularly check their blood glucose levels. According to reports by the German Center for Diabetes Research, approximately six million Germans are currently affected by diabetes – a…


Immune System

The Immune system - Bulwark against Disease © HZI/Manfred Rohde A T-helper cell. Each second of our lives, we are being attacked by numerous pathogens such as Viruses and bacteria. Our immune system is constantly busy fighting these invaders. Without the…



Infections and Cancer © HZI/Florenz Sasse Epothilon - the basic ingredient of a new cancer drug - interferes with tumor cell division inside the nucleus by blocking the spindle apparatus and thus the segregation of the genetic material (shown in blue) into…



Two sites of inflammation © AdobeStock/Matthieu Louis Symbolic image of pneumonia caused by a virus. Bronchitis, meningitis, gastritis, arthritis – the suffix, "-itis", indicates that this is a case of inflammation. While inflammation is a desired response…



Innate Immunity – Acquired Immunity © HZI/Manfred Rhode T cells (shown in red) interacting with dendritic cells. The human immune system exists of a huge number of different cells with different functions. They occur in the blood as „white blood cells“. A…



Poliomyelitis © AdobeStock/nobeastsofierce Poliovirus The pathogen, i.e. poliovirus, is a member of the enteroviruses that can proliferate in the human intestines and includes three different types - type 2 is considered to be eradicated, whereas type 1 and…



Measles - Fear of vaccination makes people ill © CDC / Dr. Edwin P. Ewing, Jr. Giant cell in a measles pneumonia; Fine tissue section Again and again headlines like "Measles epidemic in Berlin - Full risk, fatal consequences" (Süddeutsche Zeitung),…


Emerging Diseases

Emerging Diseases – A challenge for research, medicine and society © HZI/Verena Meier Researcher in the S3 laboratory at the HZI To eradicate infectious diseases forever: This vision is likely to remain wishful thinking. Even if medicine were able to find a…



HIV/AIDS © HZI/Britta Meyer The AIDS pathogen HIV; graphic as RGB AIDS - acquired immunodeficiency syndrome - is a pandemic of global proportions and a prime example of a newly discovered pathogen's potentially devastating impact. AIDS did not begin its…