
Displaying results 281 to 290 of 686.


SORMAS is finalist for Zayed Sustainability Prize 2023

The Zayed Sustainability Prize promotes small and medium-sized enterprises as well as nonprofit organizations and schools for sustainable achievements in the categories of health, nutrition, energy, water and secondary schools. The SORMAS open-source digital platform…


Six Teams receive 1.5 Million Euros each for the development of new antiviral agents

Since the COVID 19 pandemic, we know: Viruses are a threat to human health worldwide. Despite the considerable success of vaccines, antiviral drugs are also needed to help sufferers. For many viral diseases there are still no effective drugs or therapeutic treatments.…


Fusobacteria and Cancer

More than 4,500 species of bacteria colonize humans. Although their importance for well-being and health as well as for diseases is increasingly appreciated, the underlying molecular mechanisms are still largely unknown. This also applies to Fusobacteria: They are an…


When the skin aches

It was already known that in both psoriasis and neurodermatitis, T-cells of the immune system migrate from the blood into the skin and drive the inflammation there. Detailed examination of T-cells in blood and skin now led to evidence that in atopic dermatitis they…


GO-Bio initial funding for two natural product projects at the HZI

Basidiomycota produce a wide variety of secondary metabolites, some of which are already used clinically as antibiotics and anticancer drugs, and industrially as dietary supplements. Other secondary metabolites from this division of fungi appear promising for the…


Up to 18 Million Euros for One Health-Region Vorpommern

The One Health-Region Vorpommern shall focus on health in all dimensions of human activity and consider the knock-on effects of all decisions made by politics, agriculture, conservation or tourism on health. In order to attain this goal, individual workshop projects…


SORMAS Foundation established

Before the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, the open source system SORMAS was already in use in Nigeria and Ghana. Since then, it has been expanded to other countries in Europe, Africa and the Asia-Pacific region. SORMAS is currently designed for more than 40 diseases. In Germany,…


How pollen increases susceptibility to virus infection

From March to May, birch pollen causes problems for many people. The leafy tree with the white bark is widespread in our part of Europe and triggers symptoms such as rhinitis and watery eyes in allergy sufferers. The health of non-allergy sufferers can also be affected…


Change with age: As bats mature their immune cells differ

Bat immunology remains mysterious. Many zoonoses originate from wildlife and several emerging, high-impact viruses are bat-borne. Despite harboring lethal viruses little is known about the bat immune system. The group of Anca Dorhoi together with colleagues at the…


HIPS and CISPA join forces to make future active ingredients safer

Researchers worldwide are driven by the search for new antibiotics or virostatics that keep multidrug-resistant pathogens at bay or fight new pathogens. If an active ingredient looks promising, it has to be put through its paces before it can be approved for use in…
