
Die Publikationsdatenbank des HZI verzeichnet alle Publikationen von Mitarbeiter:innen des Helmholtz-Zentrums für Infektionsforschung sowie der Vorgängerinstitution, GBF, ab dem Erscheinungsjahr 2000.

Bilitewski,U., Brenner-Weiss,G., Hansen,P.D., Hock,B., Meulenberg,E., Muller,G., Obst,U., Sauerwein,H., Scheller,F.W., Schmid,R., ... , Schnabl,G., Spener,F. (2000)
Bioresponse-linked instrumental analysis
Trends in Analytical Chemistry 19 (7)
Akkoyun,A., Bilitewski,U. (2000)
Detection of sulphamethazine with an optical biosensor and anti-idiotypic antibodies
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 70 (1-3)
Shumyantseva,V.V., Bulko,T.V., Bachmann,T.T., Bilitewski,U., Schmid,R.D., Archakov,A.I. (2000)
Electrochemical reduction of flavocytochromes 2B4 and 1A2 and their catalytic activity
Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics 377 (1)
Wicke,C., Huners,M., Wray,V., Nimtz,M., Bilitewski,U., Lang,S. (2000)
Production and structure elucidation of glycoglycerolipids from a marine sponge-associated microbacterium species
Journal of Natural Products 63 (5)
Wissing,J., Heim,S., Flohé,L., Bilitewski,U., Frank,R. (2000)
Enrichment of hydrophobic proteins via Triton X-114 phase partitioning and hydroxyapatite column chromatography for mass spectrometry
Electrophoresis 21 (13)
Schuderer,J., Akkoyun,A., Brandenburg,A., Bilitewski,U., Wagner,E. (2000)
Development of a multichannel fluorescence affinity sensor system
Analytical Chemistry 72 (16)
Bilitewski,U. (2000)
Can affinity sensors be used to detect food contaminants?
Analytical Chemistry 72 (21)
Biebl,H., Schwab-Hanisch,H., Sproer,C., Lünsdorf,H. (2000)
Propionispora vibrioides, nov. gen., nov. sp., a new gram-negative, spore-forming anaerobe that ferments sugar alcohols
Archives of microbiology. 174 (4)
Müller,R., Gerth,K., Brandt,P., Blöcker,H., Beyer,S. (2000)
Identification of an L-dopa decarboxylase gene from Sorangium cellulosum So ce90
Archives of microbiology. 173 (4)
Berlin,J, Fecker,L.F. (2000)
Metabolic engineering of enzymes deverting amino acids into secondary metabolism