
Die Publikationsdatenbank des HZI verzeichnet alle Publikationen von Mitarbeiter:innen des Helmholtz-Zentrums für Infektionsforschung sowie der Vorgängerinstitution, GBF, ab dem Erscheinungsjahr 2000.

Bode,J., Benham,C., Knopp,A., Mielke,C. (2000)
Transcriptional augmentation: modulation of gene expression by scaffold/matrix-attached regions (S/MAR elements)
Critical reviews in eukaryotic gene expression 10 (1)
Baer,A., Schubeler,D., Bode,J. (2000)
Transcriptional properties of genomic transgene integration sites marked by electroporation or retroviral infection
Biochemistry 39 (24)
Bode,J., Schlake,T., Iber,M., Schubeler,D., Seibler,J., ... , Snezhkov,E., Nikolaev,L. (2000)
The transgeneticist's toolbox: novel methods for the targeted modification of eukaryotic genomes
Biological Chemistry 381 (9-10)
Bode,J., Benham,C., Ernst,E., Knopp,A., Marschalek,R., ... , Strick,R., Strissel,P. (2000)
Fatal connections: when DNA ends meet on the nuclear matrix
Journal of Cell Biology Suppl Suppl 35
Wambutt,R., Murphy,G., Volckaert,G., Pohl,T., Dusterhoft,A., Stiekema,W., Entian,K.D., Terryn,N., Harris,B., Ansorge,W., Brandt,P., Grivell,L., Rieger,M., Weichselgartner,M., De Simone,V., Obermaier,B., Mache,R., Muller,M., Kreis,M., Delseny,M., Puigdomenech,P., Watson,M., Schmidtheini,T., Reichert,B., Portatelle,D., Perez-Alonso,M., Boutry,M., Bancroft,I., Vos,P., Hoheisel,J., Zimmermann,W., Wedler,H., Ridley,P., Langham,S.A., Mccullagh,B., Bilham,L., Robben,J., Van Der Schueren,J., Grymonprez,B., Chuang,Y.J., Vandenbussche,F., Braeken,M., Weltjens,I., Voet,M., Bastiaens,I., Aert,R., Defoor,E., Weitzenegger,T., Bothe,G., Ramsperger,U., Hilbert,H., Braun,M., Holzer,E., Brandt,A., Peters,S., Van Staveren,M., Dirkse,W., Mooijman,P., Lankhorst,R.K., Rose,M., Hauf,J., Kotter,P., Berneiser,S., Hempel,S., Feldpausch,M., Lamberth,S., Van Den Daele,H., De Keyser,A., Buysshaert,C., Gielen,J., Villarroel,R., De Clercq,R., Van Montagu,M., Rogers,J., Cronin,A., Quail,M., Bray-Allen,S., Clark,L., Doggett,J., Hall,S., Kay,M., Lennard,N., Mclay,K., Mayes,R., Pettett,A., Rajandream,M.A., Lyne,M., Benes,V., Rechmann,S., Borkova,D., Blöcker,H., Scharfe,M., Grimm,M., Lohnert,T.H., Dose,S., de Haan,M., Maarse,A., Schafer,M., Muller-Auer,S., Gabel,C., Fuchs,M., Fartmann,B., Granderath,K., Dauner,D., Herzl,A., Neumann,S., Argiriou,A., Vitale,D., Liguori,R., Piravandi,E., Massenet,O., Quigley,F., Clabauld,G., Mundlein,A., Felber,R., Schnabl,S., Hiller,R., Schmidt,W., Lecharny,A., Aubourg,S., Gy,I., Cooke,R., Berger,C., Monfort,A., Casacuberta,E., Gibbons,T., Weber,N., Vandenbol,M., Bargues,M., Terol,J., Torres,A., Perez-Perez,A., Purnelle,B., Bent,E., Johnson,S., Tacon,D., Jesse,T., Heijnen,L., Schwarz,S., Scholler,P., Heber,S., Bielke,C., Frishmann,D., Haase,D., Lemcke,K., Mewes,H.W., Stocker,S., Zaccaria,P., Mayer,K., ... , Schuller,C., Bevan,M. (2000)
Progress in arabidopsis genome sequencing and functional genomics
Journal of Biotechnology 78 (3)
Franzke,A., Piao,W.J., Lauber,J., Buer,J., Hertenstein,B., Ganser,A. (2000)
Identification of G-Csf stimulation as a key regulator of T- cell homeostasis at transcriptional level.
Blood 96 (11)
Böldicke,T., Struck,F., Schaper,F., Tegge,W., Sobek,H., Villbrandt,B., ... , Lankenau,P., Böcher,M. (2000)
A new peptide-affinity tag for the detection and affinity purification of recombinant proteins with a monoclonal antibody
Journal of Immunological Methods 240 (1-2)
Hattori,M., Fujiyama,A., Taylor,T.D., Watanabe,H., Yada,T., Park,H.S., Toyoda,A., Ishii,K., Totoki,Y., Choi,D.K., Groner,Y., Soeda,E., Ohki,M., Takagi,T., Sakaki,Y., Taudien,S., Blechschmidt,K., Polley,A., Menzel,U., Delabar,J., Kumpf,K., Lehmann,R., Patterson,D., Reichwald,K., Rump,A., Schillhabel,M., Schudy,A., Zimmermann,W., Rosenthal,A., Kudoh,J., Schibuya,K., Kawasaki,K., Asakawa,S., Shintani,A., Sasaki,T., Nagamine,K., Mitsuyama,S., Antonarakis,S.E., Minoshima,S., Shimizu,N., Nordsiek,G., Hornischer,K., Brant,P., Scharfe,M., Schön,O., Desario,A., Reichelt,J., Kauer,G., Blöcker,H., Ramser,J., Beck,A., Klages,S., Hennig,S., Riesselmann,L., Dagand,E., Haaf,T., Wehrmeyer,S., Borzym,K., Gardiner,K., Nizetic,D., Francis,F., Lehrach,H., ... , Reinhardt,R., Yaspo,M.L. (2000)
The DNA sequence of human chromosome 21
Nature 405 (6784)
Blöcker,H. (2000)
'Underachieving' centre has not only struck gold but made good use of it
Nature 405 (6788)
Silakowski,B., Kunze,B., Nordsiek,G., Blöcker,H., Höfle,G., Müller,R. (2000)
The myxochelin iron transport regulon of the myxobacterium Stigmatella aurantiaca Sg a15
European Journal of Biochemistry 267 (21)