
Die Publikationsdatenbank des HZI verzeichnet alle Publikationen von Mitarbeiter:innen des Helmholtz-Zentrums für Infektionsforschung sowie der Vorgängerinstitution, GBF, ab dem Erscheinungsjahr 2000.

Sparmann,A., Vogel,J. (2023)
RNA-based medicine: from molecular mechanisms to therapy
Wetzel,C., Jansen-Olliges,L., Stadler,M., Surup,F., Zeilinger,C., Roth,B. (2023)
Analysis of SARS-CoV-2 spike RBD binding to ACE2 and its inhibition by fungal cohaerin C using surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy
Biomed.Opt.Express 14 (8)
Empting,M. (2023)
Quo vadis quorum sensing? Advances in disrupting the Pseudomonas quinolone signal (PQS)
Peng,C.C., Dormanns,N., Regestein,L., Beemelmanns,C. (2023)
Isolation of sulfonosphingolipids from the rosette-inducing bacterium Zobellia uliginosa and evaluation of their rosette-inducing activity
RSC Adv. 13 (39)
Das,S., Saha,B., Tiwari,M., Tiwari,D.K. (2023)
Diagnosis of cancer using carbon nanomaterialbased biosensors
Sens.Diagn. 2 (2)
Carriqui-Madronal,B., Lasswitz,L., von Hahn,T., Gerold,G. (2023)
Genetic and pharmacological perturbation of hepatitis-C virus entry
Curr.Opin.Virol. 62
Chapman,C.A., Angedakin,S., Butynski,T.M., Gogarten,J.F., Mitani,J.C., Struhsaker,T.T. (2023)
Primate population dynamics in Ngogo, Kibale National Park, Uganda, over nearly five decades
Macauda,A., Briem,K., Clay-Gilmour,A., Cozen,W., Försti,A., Giaccherini,M., Corradi,C., Sainz,J., Niazi,Y., Ter Horst,R., Li,Y., Netea,M.G., Vogel,U., Hemminki,K., Slager,S.L., Varkonyi,J., Andersen,V., Iskierka-Jazdzewska,E., Martinez-Lopez,J., Zaucha,J., Camp,N.J., Rajkumar,S.V., Druzd-Sitek,A., Bhatti,P., Chanock,S.J., Kumar,S.K., Subocz,E., Mazur,G., Landi,S., Machiela,M.J., Jerez,A., Norman,A.D., Hildebrandt,M.A.T., Kadar,K., Berndt,S.I., Ziv,E., Buda,G., Nagler,A., Dumontet,C., Razny,M., Watek,M., Butrym,A., Grzasko,N., Dudzinski,M., Rybicka-Ramos,M., Matera,E.L., Garcia-Sanz,R., Goldschmidt,H., Jamroziak,K., Jurczyszyn,A., Clavero,E., Giles,G.G., Pelosini,M., Zawirska,D., Kruszewski,M., Marques,H., Haastrup,E., Sanchez-Maldonado,J.M., Bertsch,U., Rymko,M., Raab,M.S., Brown,E.E., Hofmann,J.N., Vachon,C., ... , Campa,D., Canzian,F. (2023)
Identification of novel genetic loci for risk of multiple myeloma by functional annotation
Schneider,I., Fetz,V., Prochnow,H.P., Brönstrup,M. (2023)
Artificial Siderophores with a Trihydroxamate-DOTAM Scaffold Deliver Iron and Antibiotic Cargo into the Bacterial Pathogen Escherichia coli
Isr.J.Chem. 63 (7-8)
Mahdavi-Mazdeh,M., Sepanian,E. (2023)
Interview Findings in Relation to Organ Donation in Iran
133 (9)