
Die Publikationsdatenbank des HZI verzeichnet alle Publikationen von Mitarbeiter:innen des Helmholtz-Zentrums für Infektionsforschung sowie der Vorgängerinstitution, GBF, ab dem Erscheinungsjahr 2000.

Lechner,O., Lauber,J., Franzke,A., Sarukhan,A., Von Boehmer,H., Buer,J. (2001)
Fingerprints of anergic T cells
Current biology 11 (8)
Langsch A., Bader A (2001)
Longterm stability of phase I and phase II enzymes of porcine liver cells in flat membrane bioreactors
Biotechnology and Bioengineering 76 (2)
Labrenz,M., Hirsch,P. (2001)
Physiological diversity and adaption of aerobic heterotrophic bacteria from different dephts of hypersaline, heliothermal and meromitic Ekho Lake (East Antartica).
Polar Biology 24
Kuklin,N.A., Rott,L., Feng,N.G., Conner,M.E., Wagner,N., ... , Müller,W., Greenberg,H.B. (2001)
Protective intestinal anti-rotavirus B cell immunity is dependent on alpha(4)beta(7) integrin expression but does not require Iga antibody production
Journal of Immunology 166 (3)
Kuehnel,M.P., Goethe,R., Habermann,A., Müller,E., Rohde,M., ... , Griffiths,G., Valentin-Weigand,P. (2001)
Characterization of the intracellular survival of Mycobacterium avium ssp paratuberculosis: Phagosomal Ph and fusogenicity in J774 macrophages compared with other Mycobacteria
Cellular Microbiology 3 (8)
Kruft,V., Eubel,H., Jänsch,L., Werhahn,W., Braun,H.P. (2001)
Proteomic approach to identify novel mitochondrial proteins in Arabidopsis.
Plant Physiology 127
Krueger,A., Baumann,S., Krammer,P.H., Kirchhoff,S. (2001)
FLICE-inhibitory proteins-regulators of death receptor-mediated apoptosis
Molecular and Cellular Biology 21
Krueger,A., Schmitz,I., Baumann,S., Krammer,P.H., Kirchhoff,S. (2001)
c-FLIP splice variants inhibit different steps of caspase-8 activation at the CD95 death-inducing signaling complex (DISC)
Journal of Biological Chemistry 276
Kröger,A., Ortmann,D., Krohne,T.U., Mohr,L., Blum,H.E., ... , Hauser,H., Geissler,M. (2001)
Growth suppression of the hepatocellular carcinoma cell line Hepa1-6 by an activatable interferon regulatory factor-1 in mice
Cancer Research 61 (6)
Kresse,H.P., Czubayko,M., Nyakatura,G., Vriend,G., Sander,C., Blöcker,H. (2001)
Four-helix bundle topology re-engineered: monomeric Rop protein variants with different loop arrangements
Protein Engineering 14 (11)