
Die Publikationsdatenbank des HZI verzeichnet alle Publikationen von Mitarbeiter:innen des Helmholtz-Zentrums für Infektionsforschung sowie der Vorgängerinstitution, GBF, ab dem Erscheinungsjahr 2000.

Kresse,A.U., Guzmán,C.A., Ebel,F. (2001)
Modulation of host cell signalling by enteropathogenic and shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli
International Journal of Medical Microbiology 291 (4)
Kracht,M., Eickemeier,S., Dorrie,A., Hauser,H., Resch,K., Nourbakhsh,M. (2001)
The Nf-Kappa B repressing factor Nrf is involved in basal repression and Interleukin(Il)-1-induced activation of Il-8 transcription by binding to a conserved Nf-Kappa B-flanking sequence element
Naunyn-Schmiedebergs Archives of Pharmacology 363 (4)
Koolwijk,P., Peters,E., van der Vecht,B., Hornig,C., Weich,H.A., Alitalo,K., Hicklin,D.J., Wu,Y., ... , Witte,L., van Hinsbergh,V.W. (2001)
Involvement of VEGFR-2 (kdr/flk-1) but not VEGFR-1 (flt-1) in VEGF-A and VEGF-C-induced tube formation by human microvascular endothelial cells in fibrin matrices in vitro
Angiogenesis 4 (1)
Kobayashi,N., Schmidt,J., Wray,V., Schliemann,W. (2001)
Formation and occurrence of dopamine-derived betacyanins
Phytochemistry 56 (5)
Kirchhoff,S., Sebens,T., Baumann,S., Krueger,A., Zawatzky,R., Li-Weber,M., Meinl,E., Neipel,F., ... , Fleckenstein,B., Kramer,P.H. (2001)
Viral IFN regulatory factors (IRF) inhibit AICD via two positive regulatory IRF-1 dependent domains in the CD95 ligand promoter
Journal of Immunology 168 (3)
Kirchhoff,S., Krueger,A., Baumann,S., Krammer,P.H. (2001)
TCR/CD3 Restimulation und CD28 Kostimulation induzieren die Expression von c-FLIPshort und verhindern CD95 vermittelte Apoptose in T-Zellen
Immunologie Aktuell 1
Kiernan,A.E., Ahituv,N., Fuchs,H., Balling,R., Avraham,K.B., ... , Steel,K.P., De Angelis,M.H. (2001)
The notch ligand jagged1 is required for inner ear sensory development
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 98 (7)
Kemminer,S.E., Conradt,H.S., Nimtz,M., Sagi,D., Peter-Katalinic,J., Diekmann,O., ... , Drmic,I., Müthig,J. (2001)
Production and molecular characterization of clinical phase i anti- melanoma mouse IgG3 monoclonal antibody R24
Biotechnology progress 17
Kel,A.E., Kel-Margoulis,O.V., Farnham,P.J., Wingender,E., Zhang,M.Q. (2001)
Computer-assisted identification of cell cycle-related genes: new targets for E2F transcription factors
Journal of Molecular Biology 309 (1)
Kel,A., Kel-Margoulis,O., Ivanova,T., Wingender,E. (2001)
ClusterScan: A tool for automatic annotation of genomic regulatory sequences by searching for composite clusters.