
Die Publikationsdatenbank des HZI verzeichnet alle Publikationen von Mitarbeiter:innen des Helmholtz-Zentrums für Infektionsforschung sowie der Vorgängerinstitution, GBF, ab dem Erscheinungsjahr 2000.

Sechi,A.S., Wehland,J. (2000)
The actin cytoskeleton and plasma membrane connection: PtdIns(4,5)P(2) influences cytoskeletal protein activity at the plasma membrane
Journal of Cell Science 113 Pt 21
Loureiro,J.J., Geese,M., Bear,J.E., Kwiatkowski,A., Libova,I., Sechi,A., ... , Wehland,J., Gertler,F. (2000)
Structural requirements for Ena/Vasp protein function in fibroblast motility and Listeria intracellular movement
Molecular Biology of the Cell 11
Balling,R., Erben,R.G. (2000)
From parathyroid to thymus, via glial cells
Nature medicine 6 (8)
Römling,U., Rohde,M., Olsen,A., Normark,S., Reinkoster,J. (2000)
Agfd, the checkpoint of multicellular and aggregative behaviour in Salmonella typhimurium regulates at least two independent pathways
Molecular Microbiology 36 (1)
Rathkolb,B., Fuchs,E., Kolb,H.J., Renner-Muller,I., Krebs,O., Balling,R., ... , Hrabe de Angelis,M., Wolf,E. (2000)
Large-scale N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea mutagenesis of mice--from phenotypes to genes
Experimental physiology 85 (6)
Stender,S., Friebel,A., Linder,S., Rohde,M., Mirold,S., Hardt,W.D. (2000)
Identification of SopE2 from Salmonella typhimurium, a conserved guanine nucleotide exchange factor for Cdc42 of the host cell
Molecular Microbiology 36 (6)
Sasse,F. (2000)
Microtubule bundling
Current biology 10 (13)
Kiernan,A.E., Erven,A., Fuchs,H., De Angelis,M.H., Balling,R., Guenet,J., Ahituv,N., Avraham,K.B., Tang,A., Cheah,K., Tease,C., Nolan,P., Peters,J., ... , Brown,S.D.M., Steel,K.P. (2000)
Several new mouse mutations affect semicircular canal morphogenesis of the inner ear
British Journal of Audiology 34 (2)
Erven,A., Kiernan,A.E., De Angelis,M.H., Fuchs,H., Balling,R., Guenet,J.L., Avraham,K.B., Ben-David,O., Vreugde,S., Nolan,P., Peters,J., Cattanach,B., Skynner,M., Allen,N., ... , Brown,S.D.M., Steel,K.P. (2000)
Phenotypic analysis of new deaf and vestibular mouse mutants
British Journal of Audiology 34 (2)
Heinzmann,U., Kokubu,T., Fujimoto,S., Kokubu,C., Eicher,C., Kingsley,D., ... , Balling,Rudi*, Imai,K. (2000)
Complexity in pathogenesis of vertebral segmentation defects
Journal of Molecular Medicine 78 (7)