
Die Publikationsdatenbank des HZI verzeichnet alle Publikationen von Mitarbeiter:innen des Helmholtz-Zentrums für Infektionsforschung sowie der Vorgängerinstitution, GBF, ab dem Erscheinungsjahr 2000.

Hauptstein,N., Pouyan,P., Wittwer,K., Cinar,G., Scherf-Clavel,O., Raschig,M., Licha,K., Lühmann,T., Nischang,I., Schubert,U.S., Pfaller,C.K., ... , Haag,R., Meinel,L. (2022)
Polymer selection impacts the pharmaceutical profile of site-specifically conjugated Interferon-a[alpha]2a
J.Control Release 348 (August 2022)
Chaverra-Munoz,L., Briem,T., Hüttel,S. (2022)
Optimization of the production process for the anticancer lead compound illudin M: improving titers in shake-flasks
Microb.Cell Fact. 21 (1)
Lu,D., Chatterjee,S., Xiao,K., Riedel,I., Huang,C.K., Costa,A., Cushman,S., Neufeldt,D., Rode,L., Schmidt,A., Juchem,M., Leonardy,J., Büchler,G., Blume,J., Gern,O.L., Kalinke,U., Tan,W.L.W., Foo,R., Vink,A., van Laake,L.W., van der,Meer P., ... , Bär,C., Thum,T. (2022)
A circular RNA derived from the insulin receptor locus protects against doxorubicin-induced cardiotoxicity
Eur.Heart J.
Kretschmer,A.C., Junker,L., Dewald,F., Linne,V., Hennen,L., Horemheb-Rubio,G., Kaiser,R., Steger,G., Joachim,A., Schönenkorb,J., Cosgun,Z.C., Mühlhans,N., Heger,E., Knops,E., Leisse,C., Kessel,B., Heinsohn,T., Rodiah,I., Lange,B., Ritter,A.L., Fries,M., Kossow,A., Nießen,J., Dötsch,J., Klein,F., Rybniker,J., ... , Fätkenheuer,G., Suárez,I. (2022)
Implementing the Lolli-Method and pooled RT-qPCR testing for SARS-CoV-2 surveillance in schools: a pilot project
Cernava,T., Rybakova,D., Buscot,F., Clavel,T., McHardy,A.C., Meyer,F., Meyer,F., Overmann,J., Stecher,B., Sessitsch,A., ... , Schloter,M., Berg,G. (2022)
Metadata harmonization-Standards are the key for a better usage of omics data for integrative microbiome analysis
Environ.Microbiome. 17 (1)
Wandera,K.G., Alkhnbashi,O.S., Bassett,H.V.I., Mitrofanov,A., Hauns,S., Migur,A., ... , Backofen,R., Beisel,C.L. (2022)
Anti-CRISPR prediction using deep learning reveals an inhibitor of Cas13b nucleases
Spiliotis,K., Koutsoumaris,C.C., Reppas,A.I., Papaxenopoulou,L.A., Starke,J., Hatzikirou,H. (2022)
Optimal vaccine roll-out strategies including social distancing for pandemics
iScience. 25 (7)
Zhang,Y.W., Mess,J., Aizarani,N., Mishra,P., Johnson,C., Romero-Mulero,M.C., Rettkowski,J., Schönberger,K., Obier,N., Jäcklein,K., Woessner,N.M., Lalioti,M.E., Velasco-Hernandez,T., Sikora,K., Wäsch,R., Lehnertz,B., Sauvageau,G., Manke,T., Menendez,P., Walter,S.G., Minguet,S., Laurenti,E., Günther,S., ... , Grün,D., Cabezas-Wallscheid,N. (2022)
Hyaluronic acid-GPRC5C signalling promotes dormancy in haematopoietic stem cells
Nat.Cell Biol.
Rehner,J., Schmartz,G.P., Groeger,L., Dastbaz,J., Ludwig,N., Hannig,M., Rupf,S., Seitz,B., Flockerzi,E., Berger,T., Reichert,M.C., Krawczyk,M., Meese,E., Herr,C., Bals,R., Becker,S.L., ... , Keller,A., Müller,R. (2022)
Systematic cross-biospecimen evaluation of DNA extraction kits for long- and short-read multi-metagenomic sequencing studies
Genomics Proteomics.Bioinformatics.
Riehle,C., Sieweke,J.T., Bakshi,S., Ha,C.M., Junker Udesen,N.L., Moller-Helgestad,O.K., Froese,N., Berg Ravn,H., Bähre,H., Geffers,R., Seifert,R., Moller,J.E., Wende,A.R., ... , Bauersachs,J., Schäfer,A. (2022)
miRNA-200b-A Potential Biomarker Identified in a Porcine Model of Cardiogenic Shock and Mechanical Unloading
Front Cardiovasc.Med. 9