
Die Publikationsdatenbank des HZI verzeichnet alle Publikationen von Mitarbeiter:innen des Helmholtz-Zentrums für Infektionsforschung sowie der Vorgängerinstitution, GBF, ab dem Erscheinungsjahr 2000.

Meyer,F., Fritz,A., Deng,Z.L., Koslicki,D., Lesker,T.R., Gurevich,A., Robertson,G., Alser,M., Antipov,D., Beghini,F., Bertrand,D., Brito,J.J., Brown,C.T., Buchmann,J., Buluc,A., Chen,B., Chikhi,R., Clausen,P.T.L.C., Cristian,A., Dabrowski,P.W., Darling,A.E., Egan,R., Eskin,E., Georganas,E., Goltsman,E., Gray,M.A., Hansen,L.H., Hofmeyr,S., Huang,P., Irber,L., Jia,H., Jorgensen,T.S., Kieser,S.D., Klemetsen,T., Kola,A., Kolmogorov,M., Korobeynikov,A., Kwan,J., LaPierre,N., Lemaitre,C., Li,C., Limasset,A., Malcher-Miranda,F., Mangul,S., Marcelino,V.R., Marchet,C., Marijon,P., Meleshko,D., Mende,D.R., Milanese,A., Nagarajan,N., Nissen,J., Nurk,S., Oliker,L., Paoli,L., Peterlongo,P., Piro,V.C., Porter,J.S., Rasmussen,S., Rees,E.R., Reinert,K., Renard,B., Robertsen,E.M., Rosen,G.L., Ruscheweyh,H.J., Sarwal,V., Segata,N., Seiler,E., Shi,L., Sun,F., Sunagawa,S., Sorensen,S.J., Thomas,A., Tong,C., Trajkovski,M., Tremblay,J., Uritskiy,G., Vicedomini,R., Wang,Z., Warren,A., Willassen,N.P., Yelick,K., You,R., Zeller,G., Zhao,Z., Zhu,S., Zhu,J., Garrido-Oter,R., Gastmeier,P., Hacquard,S., Häussler,S., Khaledi,A., Maechler,F., Mesny,F., Radutoiu,S., Schulze-Lefert,P., Smit,N., Strowig,T., Bremges,A., ... , Sczyrba,A., McHardy,A.C. (2022)
Critical Assessment of Metagenome Interpretation: the second round of challenges
Nature Methods 19 (4)
Laubert,M., Bonifacius,A., Dragon,A.C., Mangare,C., Blasczyk,R., ... , Hühn,J., Eiz-Vesper,B. (2022)
Enhancement of Antiviral T-Cell Responses by Vitamin C Suggests New Strategies to Improve Manufacturing of Virus-Specific T Cells for Adoptive Immunotherapy
Biology 11 (4)
Kuijpers,Y., Domínguez-Andrés,J., Bakker,O.B., Gupta,M.K., Grasshoff,M., Xu,C.J., Joosten,L.A.B., Bertranpetit,J., ... , Netea,M.G., Li,Y. (2022)
Evolutionary Trajectories of Complex Traits in European Populations of Modern Humans
Frontiers in Genetics 13
Kopenhagen,A., Ramming,I., Camp,B., Hammerschmidt,S., Fulde,M., Müsken,M., ... , Steinert,M., Bergmann,S. (2022)
Streptococcus pneumoniae Affects Endothelial Cell Migration in Microfluidic Circulation
Frontiers in Microbiology 13
Knop,L., Spanier,J., Larsen,P.K., Witte,A., Bank,U., Dunay,I.R., ... , Kalinke,U., Schüler,T. (2022)
IFNAR signaling in fibroblastic reticular cells can modulate CD8+ memory fate decision
European Journal of Immunology
Kühn,M.J., Abele,D., Binder,S., Rack,K., Klitz,M., Kleinert,J., Gilg,J., Spataro,L., Koslow,W., Siggel,M., ... , Meyer-Hermann,M., Basermann,A. (2022)
Regional opening strategies with commuter testing and containment of new SARS-CoV-2 variants in Germany
BMC Infectious Diseases 22 (1)
Hochnadel,I., Hoenicke,L., Petriv,N., Neubert,L., Reinhard,E., Hirsch,T., Alfonso,J.C.L., Suo,H., Longerich,T., Geffers,R., Lichtinghagen,R., Guzmán,C.A., Wedemeyer,H., Lenzen,H., Manns,M.P., ... , Bruder,D., Yevsa,T. (2022)
Correction: Safety and efficacy of prophylactic and therapeutic vaccine based on live-attenuated Listeria monocytogenes in hepatobiliary cancers (Oncogene, (2022), 41, 14, (2039-2053), 10.1038/s41388-022-02222-z)
Oncogene 41 (19)
Heise,J.K., Dey,R., Emmerich,M., Kemmling,Y., Sistig,S., ... , Krause,G., Castell,S. (2022)
Putting digital epidemiology into practice: PIA- Prospective Monitoring and Management Application
Informatics in Medicine Unlocked 30
Gisdon,F.J., Feiler,C.G., Kempf,O., Foerster,J.M., Haiss,J., Blankenfeldt,W., ... , Ullmann,G.M., Bombarda,E. (2022)
Structural and Biophysical Analysis of the Phytochelatin-Synthase-Like Enzyme from Nostoc sp. Shows That Its Protease Activity is Sensitive to the Redox State of the Substrate
ACS Chemical Biology 17 (4)
Dulovic,A., Strengert,M., Ramos,G.M., Becker,M., Griesbaum,J., Junker,D., Lürken,K., Beigel,A., Wrenger,E., Lonnemann,G., Cossmann,A., Stankov,M.V., Dopfer-Jablonka,A., Kaiser,P.D., Traenkle,B., Rothbauer,U., Krause,G., ... , Schneiderhan-Marra,N., Behrens,G.M.N. (2022)
Diminishing Immune Responses against Variants of Concern in Dialysis Patients 4 Months after SARS-CoV-2 mRNA Vaccination
Emerging Infectious Diseases 28 (4)