
Die Publikationsdatenbank des HZI verzeichnet alle Publikationen von Mitarbeiter:innen des Helmholtz-Zentrums für Infektionsforschung sowie der Vorgängerinstitution, GBF, ab dem Erscheinungsjahr 2000.

Berger,T., Alenfelder,J., Steinmüller,S., Heimann,D., Gohain,N., Petras,D., Wang,M., Berger,R., ... , Kostenis,E., Reher,R. (2024)
A MassQL-Integrated Molecular Networking Approach for the Discovery and Substructure Annotation of Bioactive Cyclic Peptides
Milke,L., Kabuu,M., Zschoche,R., Gätgens,J., Krumbach,K., Carlstedt,K.L., Wurzbacher,C.E., Balluff,S., Beemelmanns,C., Jogler,C., ... , Marienhagen,J., Kallscheuer,N. (2024)
A type III polyketide synthase cluster in the phylum Planctomycetota is involved in alkylresorcinol biosynthesis
Appl.Microbiol.Biotechnol. 108 (1)
Aparicio-Blanco,J., Vishwakarma,N., Lehr,C.M., Prestidge,C.A., Thomas,N., Roberts,R.J., ... , Thorn,C.R., Melero,A. (2024)
Antibiotic resistance and tolerance : What can drug delivery do against this global threat?
Drug Deliv.Transl.Res.
Walesch,S., Garcia,R., Mahmoud,A.B., Panter,F., Bollenbach,S., Mäser,P., Kaiser,M., ... , Krug,D., Müller,R. (2024)
New myxobacteria of the Myxococcaceae clade produce angiolams with antiparasitic activities
Frenz-Wiessner,S., Fairley,S.D., Buser,M., Goek,I., Salewskij,K., Jonsson,G., Illig,D., Zu,Putlitz B., Petersheim,D., Li,Y., Chen,P.H., Kalauz,M., Conca,R., Sterr,M., Geuder,J., Mizoguchi,Y., Megens,R.T.A., Linder,M.I., Kotlarz,D., Rudelius,M., Penninger,J.M., ... , Marr,C., Klein,C. (2024)
Generation of complex bone marrow organoids from human induced pluripotent stem cells
Eberhage,J., Bresch,I.P., Ramani,R., Viohl,N., Buchta,T., Rehfeld,C.L., Hinse,P., Reubold,T.F., ... , Brinkmann,M.M., Eschenburg,S. (2024)
Crystal structure of the tegument protein UL82 (pp71) from human cytomegalovirus
Protein Sci. 33 (3)
Prusty,A.B., Hirmer,A., Sierra-Delgado,J.A., Huber,H., Guenther,U.P., Schlosser,A., Dybkov,O., Yildirim,E., Urlaub,H., Meyer,K.C., Jablonka,S., ... , Erhard,F., Fischer,U. (2024)
RNA helicase IGHMBP2 regulates THO complex to ensure cellular mRNA homeostasis
Cell Rep. 43 (2)
Menke,L., Sieben,C. (2024)
An Improved Workflow for the Quantification of Orthohantavirus Infection Using Automated Imaging and Flow Cytometry
Viruses. 16 (2)
Marsall,P., Fandrich,M., Griesbaum,J., Harries,M., Lange,B., Ascough,S., Dayananda,P., Chiu,C., Remppis,J., Ganzenmueller,T., Renk,H., Strengert,M., ... , Schneiderhan-Marra,N., Dulovic,A. (2024)
Development and validation of a respiratory syncytial virus multiplex immunoassay
Ravichandran,Y., Hänisch,J., Murray,K., Roca,V., Dingli,F., Loew,D., Sabatet,V., Boeda,B., ... , Stradal,T.E., Etienne-Manneville,S. (2024)
The distinct localization of CDC42 isoforms is responsible for their specific functions during migration
J.Cell Biol. 223 (3)