
Die Publikationsdatenbank des HZI verzeichnet alle Publikationen von Mitarbeiter:innen des Helmholtz-Zentrums für Infektionsforschung sowie der Vorgängerinstitution, GBF, ab dem Erscheinungsjahr 2000.

Barth-Jaeggi,T., Houngbedji,C.A., Palmeirim,M.S., Coulibaly,D., Krouman,A., ... , Ressing,C., Wyss,K. (2023)
Introduction and acceptability of the Surveillance Outbreak Response Management and Analysis System (SORMAS) during the COVID-19 pandemic in Cote d'Ivoire
BMC Public Health 23 (1)
Seibel,E., Um,S., Dayras,M., Bodawatta,K.H., de Kruijff,M., Jonsson,K.A., Poulsen,M., ... , Kim,K.H., Beemelmanns,C. (2023)
Genome mining for macrolactam-encoding gene clusters allowed for the network-guided isolation of b
Commun.Chem. 6 (1)
Reuter,C., Hauf,L., Imdahl,F., Sen,R., Vafadarnejad,E., Fey,P., Finger,T., Jones,N.G., Walles,H., Barquist,L., Saliba,A.E., ... , Groeber-Becker,F., Engstler,M. (2023)
Vector-borne Trypanosoma brucei parasites develop in artificial human skin and persist as skin tissue forms
Nat.Commun. 14 (1)
Aghebatrafat,A.A., Lauber,C., Merkel,K., Fruth,B., Langergraber,K., Robbins,M.M., Wittig,R.M., ... , Leendertz,F.H., Calvignac-Spencer,S. (2023)
Evolutionary Insight into the Association between New Jersey Polyomavirus and Humans
Viruses 15 (11)
Kettlitz,R., Harries,M., Ortmann,J., Krause,G., Strengert,M., Castell,S., Heise,J.K., Hernandez,P., Gornyk,D., Schl++ter,M., Kerrines,T., Schneiderhan-Marra,N., Dulovic,A., Bojara,G., Frank,K., Gubbe,K., Tonn,T., Kappert,O., Kern,W.V., Illig,T., Klopp,N., Roller,G., Ziemons,M., Rolle,G., ... , Aigner,A., Lange,B. (2023)
Association of known SARS-CoV-2 serostatus and adherence to personal protection measures and the impact of personal protective measures on seropositivity in a population-based cross-sectional study (MuSPAD) in Germany
BMC Public Health 23 (1)
Weigert Munoz,A., Zhao,W., Sieber,S.A. (2024)
Monitoring host-pathogen interactions using chemical proteomics
Al-Mekhlafi,A., Waqas,F.H., Krueger,M., Klawonn,F., Akmatov,M.K., Müller-Vahl,K., Trebst,C., Skripuletz,T., Stangel,M., ... , Sühs,K.W., Pessler,F. (2023)
Elevated phospholipids and acylcarnitines C4 and C5 in cerebrospinal fluid distinguish viral CNS infections from autoimmune neuroinflammation
J.Transl.Med. 21 (1)
Kerlikowsky,F., Müller,M., Greupner,T., Amend,L., Strowig,T., Hahn,A. (2023)
Distinct Microbial Taxa Are Associated with LDL-Cholesterol Reduction after 12 Weeks of Lactobacillus plantarum Intake in Mild Hypercholesterolemia: Results of a Randomized Controlled Study
Probiotics Antimicrob.Proteins
Eckhardt,P., Reinecke,S., Opatz,T., Stadler,M., Sandargo,B. (2023)
Discovery and characterisation of a broderol-like illudin, omphaderol in the mycelial extracts of Omphalotus mexicanus (Omphalotaceae) using UPLC-QTOF-MS and NMR spectroscopy
Simonis,A., Kreer,C., Albus,A., Rox,K., Yuan,B., Holzmann,D., Wilms,J.A., Zuber,S., Kottege,L., Winter,S., Meyer,M., Schmitt,K., Gruell,H., Theobald,S.J., Hellmann,A.M., Meyer,C., Ercanoglu,M.S., Cramer,N., Munder,A., Hallek,M., F+ñtkenheuer,G., Koch,M., Seifert,H., Rietschel,E., Marlovits,T.C., van Koningsbruggen-Rietschel,S., ... , Klein,F., Rybniker,J. (2023)
Discovery of highly neutralizing human antibodies targeting Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Cell 186 (23)