
Die Publikationsdatenbank des HZI verzeichnet alle Publikationen von Mitarbeiter:innen des Helmholtz-Zentrums für Infektionsforschung sowie der Vorgängerinstitution, GBF, ab dem Erscheinungsjahr 2000.

Empting,M. (2023)
Bacterial communication therapeutic option [Therapieoption bakterieller Kommunikation]
Biospektrum 29 (5)
Yang,T., Barros-Martins,J., Wang,Z., Wencker,M., Zhang,J., Smout,J., Gambhir,P., Janssen,A., Schimrock,A., Georgiev,H., Leon-Lara,X., Weiss,S., Huehn,J., Prinz,I., Krueger,A., Foerster,R., ... , Walzer,T., Ravens,S. (2023)
Cell Rep. 42 (10)
Szczypien,N., Ruchay,Z., Ruchay,Z., Müller,S.V., Kaiser,C., Klawonn,F. (2023)
Sex-specific differences in pain localization in female patients with endometriosis: A comparison of sexless and female human body outlines
Brain Behav.
Chen,F., Dowerg,B., Cordes,T. (2023)
The yin and yang of itaconate metabolism and its impact on the tumor microenvironment
Curr.Opin.Biotechnol. 84 (Dec 2023)
Engelgeh,T., Herrmann,J., Jansen,R., Müller,R., Halbedel,S. (2023)
Tartrolon sensing and detoxification by the Listeria monocytogenes timABR resistance operon
Pankratz,D., Gomez,N.O., Nielsen,A., Mustafayeva,A., Gür,M., Arce-Rodriguez,F., Nikel,P.I., ... , Häussler,S., Arce-Rodriguez,A. (2023)
An expanded CRISPR-Cas9-assisted recombineering toolkit for engineering genetically intractable Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolates
Nat.Protoc. 18 (11)
Nnamani,P.O., Diovu,E.O., Peter,I.E., Onwuka,A.M., Ogbuanwu,C.V., Abonyi,O.E., ... , Loretz,B., Lehr,C.M. (2023)
Anti-Inflammatory and Antinociceptive Activity of Herbal Lipospheres of Pentaclethra macrophylla (Fabaceae) Stem Bark Extract
Process. 11 (9)
Gorelik,T.E., Beko,S.L., Teteruk,J., Heyse,W., Schmidt,M.U. (2023)
Analysis of diffuse scattering in electron diffraction data for the crystal structure determination of Pigment Orange 13, C32H24Cl2N8O2
Acta Crystallogr.Sect.B Struct.Sci.Crys.Eng.Mater. 79 (2)
Wanga,L.A., Indieka,A.S., Matasyoh,J.C. (2023)
Antidermatophytic quinolizidine alkaloids from Calpurnia aurea subsp. aurea (Aiton) Benth
Fitoterapia 171
Monteil,V., Kwon,H., John,L., Salata,C., Jonsson,G., Vorrink,S.U., Appelberg,S., Youhanna,S., Dyczynski,M., Leopoldi,A., Leeb,N., Volz,J., Hagelkruys,A., Kellner,M.J., Devignot,S., Michlits,G., Foong-Sobis,M., Weber,F., Lauschke,V.M., Horn,M., Feldmann,H., Elling,U., ... , Penninger,J.M., Mirazimi,A. (2023)
Identification of CCZ1 as an essential lysosomal trafficking regulator in Marburg and Ebola virus infections
Nat.Commun. 14 (1)