
Die Publikationsdatenbank des HZI verzeichnet alle Publikationen von Mitarbeiter:innen des Helmholtz-Zentrums für Infektionsforschung sowie der Vorgängerinstitution, GBF, ab dem Erscheinungsjahr 2000.

Plumeier,I., Perez-Pantoja,D., Heim,S., Gonzalez,B., Pieper,D.H. (2002)
Importance of different tfd genes for degradation of chloroaromatics by Ralstonia eutropha JMP134
Journal of Bacteriology 184 (15)
Pieper,D.H., Pollmann,K., Nikodem,P., Gonzalez,B., Wray,V. (2002)
Monitoring keyreactions in degradation of chloroaromatics by in situ H-1 nuclear magnetic resonance: Solution structures of metabolites formed from cis-Dienelactone
Journal of Bacteriology 184 (5)
Philp,J.C., Kuyukina,M.S., Ivshina,I.B., Dunbar,S., Ritchkova,M.I., ... , Lang,S., Wray,V. (2002)
Alkanotrophic Rhodococcus ruber as a biosurfactant producer
Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 59
Paxian,S., Merkle,H., Riemann,M., Wilda,M., Adler,G., Hameister,H., Liptay,S., ... , Pfeffer,K., Schmid,R.M. (2002)
Abnormal organogenesis of Peyer's patches in mice deficient for NF-kappaB1, NF-kappaB2, and Bcl-3
Gastroenterology 122 (7)
Pasparakis,M., Courtois,G., Hafner,M., Schmidt-Supprian,M., Nenci,A., Toksoy,A., Kramfpert,M., Goebeler,M., Gillitzer,R., Israel,A., Krieg,T., ... , Rajewsky,K., Haase,I. (2002)
TNF-mediated inflammatory skin disease in mice with epidermis-specific ablation of IKK2
Nature 417
Olazabal,I., Caron,E., May,R., Schilling,K., Knecht,D., Machesky,L. (2002)
Rho-Kinase and Myosin-II control phagocytic cup formation during CR, but not FcgammaR, phagocytosis
Current biology 12 (16)
Olaniran,A.O., Okoh,A.I., Ajisebutu,S., Golyshin,P.N., Babalola,G.O. (2002)
The aerobic dechlorination activities of two bacterial species isolated from a refuse dumpsite in Nigeria
International microbiology 5 (1)
Niggemann,Jutta*, Michaelis,K., Frank,Ronald*, Zander,N., Höfle,Gerhard* (2002)
Natural product-derived building blocks for combinatorial synthesis. Part 1. Fragmentation of natural products from myxobacteria
Journal of The Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions I 1
Nelson,K.E., Weinel,C., Paulsen,I.T., Dodson,R.J., Hilbert, Martins dos Santos,V.A.P., Fouts,D.Gill S.R., Pop,M., Holmes,M., Khouri,H., Hance,I., Chris Lee,P., Holtzapple,E., Scanlan,D., Tran,K., Deboy,R., Moazzez,A., Brinkac,L., Beanan,M., Daugherty,S., Kolonay,J., Madupu,R., Nelson,W., White,O., Utterback,T., Rizzo,M., Lee,K., Kosack,D., Moestl,D., Wedler,H., Lauber,J., Hoheisel,J., Strätz,M., Heim,S., Kiewitz,C., Eisen,J., Timmis,K.N., Duesterhoft,A., ... , Tümmler,B., Fraser,C.M. (2002)
Complete genome sequence and comparative analysis of the metabolically versatile Pseudomonas putida KT2440.
Environmental Microbiology 4
Neef,A., Kampfer,P. (2002)
Molecular identification of airborne microorganisms from composting facilities