
Die Publikationsdatenbank des HZI verzeichnet alle Publikationen von Mitarbeiter:innen des Helmholtz-Zentrums für Infektionsforschung sowie der Vorgängerinstitution, GBF, ab dem Erscheinungsjahr 2000.

Kretschmer,K., Engel,H., Weiss,S. (2002)
Strong antigenic selection shaping the immunoglobulin heavy chain repertoire of B-1a- lymphocytes in lambda 2(315) transgenic mice
European Journal of Immunology 32 (8)
Kresse,A.U., Ebel,F., Guzmán,C.A. (2002)
Functional modulation of pathogenic bacteria upon contact with host target cells
Kreikemeyer,B., Chhatwal,G.S., Walker,M.J. (2002)
Immunological response mounted by Aboriginal Australians living in the Northern Territory of Australia against Streptococcus pyogenes serum opacity factor
Microbiology 148
Kloos,D.U., Choi,C., Wingender,E. (2002)
The TGF-beta--Smad network: introducing bioinformatic tools
Trends in Genetics 18 (2)
Kist,R., Schrewe,H., Balling,R., Scherer,G. (2002)
Conditional inactivation of Sox9: a mouse model for campomelic dysplasia
Genesis 32 (2)
Kim,W.S., Schollmeyer,M., Nimtz,M., Wray,V., Geider,K. (2002)
Genetics of biosynthesis and structure of the capsular exopolysaccharide from the Asian pear pathogen Erwinia pyrifoliae
Microbiology <Reading> 148
Kim,T.-Y., Vargas,V., Mayer,H., Somjen,D., Kaye,A.M. (2002)
Selective anabolic effects of muteins of mid-region PTH fragments on skeletal tissues of prepubertal rats
Bone 30
Kellersmann,R., Lazarovits,A., Grant,D., Garcia,B., Chan,B., Kellersmann,A., Wang,H., Jevnikar,A., Wagner,N., Müller,W., Ulrichs,K., ... , Thiede,A., Zhong,R. (2002)
Monoclonal antibody against beta 7 integrins, but not beta 7 deficiency, attenuates intestinal allograft rejection in mice
Transplantation 74
Kel-Margoulis,O.V., Kel,A.E., Reuter,I., Deineko,I.V., Wingender,E. (2002)
TRANSCompel®: a database on composite regulatory elements in eukaryotic genes
Nucleic Acids Research 30 (1)
Kel-Margoulis,O.V., Ivanova,T.G., Wingender,E., Kel,A.E. (2002)
Automatic annotation of genomic regulatory sequences by searching for composite clusters
Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing 7