Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Dirk Heinz

Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Dirk Heinz

Dirk Heinz ist ein deutscher Biochemiker und Strukturbiologe. Er studierte Chemie in Freiburg/Deutschland und promovierte in Strukturbiologie an der Universität Basel/Schweiz. Nach einem Postdoc-Aufenthalt an der University of Oregon und der Habilitation in Freiburg wechselte er als Leiter einer Nachwuchsforschergruppe an das Helmholtz-Zentrum für Infektionsforschung (HZI) und stieg in der Folge zum Abteilungsleiter auf. Im Jahre 2011 übernahm er die Wissenschaftliche Geschäftsführung des Zentrums, eine Position, die er bis Juni 2023 ausfüllte. Seit 2012 ist er Professor für Strukturbiologie an der Technischen Universität Braunschweig. Im Juli 2023 kehrte Dirk Heinz als Leiter der Abteilung Molekulare Strukturbiologie zurück in die aktive Forschung. Dirk Heinz ist EMBO-Mitglied und hält eine Ehrendoktorwürde der Universität Würzburg.

Groenewold M.K., Hebecker S., Fritz C., Czolkoss S., Wiesselmann M., Heinz D.W., Jahn D., Narberhaus F., ... , Aktas M., Moser J. (2019)
Virulence of Agrobacterium tumefaciens requires lipid homeostasis mediated by the lysyl-phosphatidylglycerol hydrolase AcvB
Mol.Microbiol., 111 (1)

Groenewold M.K., Massmig M., Hebecker S., Danne L., Magnowska Z., Nimtz M., Narberhaus F., Jahn D., Heinz D.W., ... , Jänsch L., Moser J. (2018)
A phosphatidic acid binding protein is important for lipid homeostasis and adaptation to anaerobic biofilm conditions in Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Biochem.J., 475 (11)

Stadler M., Dersch P., Heinz D. (2017)

Debarry J., Heinz D., Manns M.P. (2017)
[Individualized infection medicine : Challenges and opportunities] Individualisierte Infektionsmedizin :Herausforderungen und Chancen.
Internist (Berl), 58 (7)

Krausze J., Probst C., Curth U., Reichelt J., Saha S., Schafflick D., Heinz D.W., ... , Mendel R.R., Kruse T. (2016)
Dimerization of the plant molybdenum insertase Cnx1E is required for synthesis of the molybdenum cofactor
Biochem.J., 474 (1)

Hebecker S., Krausze J., Hasenkampf T., Schneider J., Groenewold M., Reichelt J., Jahn D., ... , Heinz D.W., Moser J. (2015)
Structures of two bacterial resistance factors mediating tRNA-dependent aminoacylation of phosphatidylglycerol with lysine or alanine
Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.U.S.A., 112 (34)

Kling A., Lukat P., Almeida D.V., Bauer A., Fontaine E., Sordello S., Zaburannyi N., Herrmann J., Wenzel S.C., Konig C., Ammerman N.C., Barrio M.B., Borchers K., Bordon-Pallier F., Brönstrup M., Courtemanche G., Gerlitz M., Geslin M., Hammann P., Heinz D.W., Hoffmann H., Klieber S., Kohlmann M., Kurz M., Lair C., Matter H., Nuermberger E., Tyagi S., Fraisse L., Grosset J.H., ... , Lagrange S., Müller R. (2015)
Targeting DnaN for tuberculosis therapy using novel griselimycins
Science, 348 (6239)

Haufschildt K., Schmelz Stefan, Kriegler T.M., Neumann A., Streif J., Arai H., ... , Heinz Dirk W., Layer G. (2014)
The Crystal Structure of Siroheme Decarboxylase in Complex with Iron-Uroporphyrin III Reveals Two Essential Histidine Residues
Journal of Molecular Biology

Heinz Dirk W. (2013)
Secrets of a secretin
Structure, 21 (12)

Kolditz F., Krausze J., Heinz Dirk W., Niemann H.H., Muller-Goymann C.C. (2014)
Wound healing potential of a dimeric InlB variant analyzed by in vitro experiments on re-epithelialization of human skin models
European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics, 86 (2)

Fradrich C., Krausze Jörn, Quade N., Heinz Dirk, Jahn D., Hartig E. (2013)
Purification, crystallization and preliminary X-ray analysis of the effector domain of AlsR, an LysR-type transcriptional regulator from Bacillus subtilis
Acta Crystallographica Section F: Structural Biology and Crystallization Communications, 69 (Pt 5)

Kudryashev M., Stenta M., Schmelz S., Amstutz M., Wiesand U., Castano-Diez D., Degiacomi M.T., Munnich S., Bleck C.K., Kowal J., Diepold A., Heinz Dirk W., Dal Peraro M., ... , Cornelis G.R., Stahlberg H. (2013)
In situ structural analysis of the Yersinia enterocolitica injectisome
eLife, 2

Hofmeyer T., Schmelz S., Degiacomi M.T., Dal Peraro M., Daneschdar M., Scrima Andrea, van den Heuvel Joop, ... , Heinz Dirk W., Kolmar H. (2013)
Arranged sevenfold: Structural insights into the C-terminal oligomerization domain of human C4b-binding protein
Journal of Molecular Biology, 425 (8)

Moser J., Lange C., Krausze J., Rebelein J., Schubert W.D., Ribbe M.W., ... , Heinz Dirk W., Jahn D. (2013)
Structure of ADP-aluminium fluoride-stabilized protochlorophyllide oxidoreductase complex
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, 110 (6)

Quade N., Heinz Dirk W., Müller Rolf (2012)
Biosynthesis of secondary and natural materials: Where do unusual side chains in polyketides com from? [Woher stammen ungewöhnliche Seitenketten in Polyketiden?]
Biospektrum, 18 (7)

Glotzbach B., Schmelz S., Reinwarth M., Christmann A., Heinz Dirk W., Kolmar H. (2013)
Structural characterization of Spinacia oleracea trypsin inhibitor III (SOTI-III)
Acta Crystallographica Section D: Biological Crystallography, 69 (Pt 1)

Kugler J., Schmelz S., Gentzsch J., Haid S., Pollmann E., van den Heuvel Joop, Franke R., Pietschmann Thomas, ... , Heinz Dirk W., Collins J. (2012)
High Affinity Peptide Inhibitors of the Hepatitis C Virus NS3-4A Protease Refractory to Common Resistant Mutants
Journal of Biological Chemistry, 287 (46)

Quade N., Mendonca C., Herbst K., Heroven A.K., Ritter C., ... , Heinz D.W., Dersch P. (2012)
Structural Basis for Intrinsic Thermosensing by the Master Virulence Regulator RovA of Yersinia
Journal of Biological Chemistry, 287 (43)

Niemann H.H., Gherardi E., Bleymuller W.M., Heinz Dirk W. (2012)
Engineered variants of InlB with an additional leucine-rich repeat discriminate between physiologically relevant and packing contacts in crystal structures of the InlB:MET complex
Protein Sciences, 21 (10)

Tischler M., Nasu D., Empting M., Schmelz S., Heinz Dirk W., Rottmann P., Kolmar H., Buntkowsky G., ... , Tietze D., Avrutina O. (2012)
Braces for the Peptide backbone: insights into structure-activity relationships of protease inhibitor mimics with locked amide conformations
Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 51 (15)

Wilke S., Gröbe Lothar*, Maffenbeier V., Jäger Volker*, Gossen M., Josewski J., Duda A., Polle L., Owens R.J., Wirth Dagmar*, Heinz Dirk* W., ... , van den Heuvel Joop*, Büssow Konrad* (2011)
Streamlining homogeneous glycoprotein production for biophysical and structural applications by targeted cell line development
PLoS ONE, 6 (12)

Quade N., Huo L., Rachid S., Heinz Dirk W.*, Müller Rolf* (2011)
Unusual carbon fixation gives rise to diverse polyketide extender units
Nature Chemical Biology, 8 (1)

de Groot J.C., Schluter K., Carius Y., Quedenau C., Vingadassalom D., Faix J., Weiss S.M., Reichelt J., Standfuss-Gabisch C., Lesser C.F., Leong J.M., Heinz Dirk W.*, ... , Büssow Konrad*, Stradal Theresia E.* (2011)
Structural Basis for Complex Formation between Human IRSp53 and the Translocated Intimin Receptor Tir of Enterohemorrhagic E. coli
Structure, 19 (9)

Storbeck S., Saha S., Krausze J., Klink B.U., Heinz Dirk W.*, Layer G. (2011)
Crystal Structure of the Heme d1 Biosynthesis Enzyme NirE in Complex with Its Substrate Reveals New Insights into the Catalytic Mechanism of S-Adenosyl-L-methionine-dependent Uroporphyrinogen III Methyltransferases
Journal of Biological Chemistry, 286 (30)

Strube C.P., Homann A., Gamer M., Jahn D., Seibel J., Heinz Dirk W.* (2011)
Polysaccharide Synthesis of the Levansucrase SacB from Bacillus megaterium Is Controlled by Distinct Surface Motifs
Journal of Biological Chemistry, 286 (20)

Quade N., Dieckmann M., Haffke M., Heroven A.K., Dersch P., Heinz D.W. (2011)
Structure of the effector-binding domain of the LysR-type transcription factor RovM from Yersinia pseudotuberculosis
Acta Crystallographica Section D: Biological Crystallography, 67 (Pt 2)

Haffke M., Menzel A., Carius Y., Jahn D., Heinz Dirk W.* (2010)
Structures of the nucleotide-binding domain of the human ABCB6 transporter and its complexes with nucleotides
Acta Crystallographica Section D: Biological Crystallography, 66 (Pt 9)

Brocker M.J., Schomburg S., Heinz Dirk W.*, Jahn D., Schubert W.D., Moser J. (2010)
Crystal structure of the nitrogenase-like dark operative protochlorophyllide oxidoreductase catalytic complex (ChlN/ChlB)2
Journal of Biological Chemistry, 285 (35)

Heinz Dirk W.*, Betzel C., Wilmanns M. (2010)
Highlight: of systems and structures
Biological Chemistry, 391 (7)

Klink B.U., Barden S., Heidler T.V., Borchers C., Ladwein M., Stradal T.B., ... , Rottner K., Heinz D.W. (2010)
Structure of Shigella IpgB2 in complex with human RhoA: implications for the mechanism of bacterial guanine nucleotide exchange factor mimicry
Journal of Biological Chemistry, 285 (22)

Layer G., Reichelt J., Jahn D., Heinz Dirk W.* (2010)
Structure and function of enzymes in heme biosynthesis
Protein Science, 19 (6)

Rand K., Noll C., Schiebel H.M., Kemken D., Dulcks T., Kalesse Markus*, ... , Heinz Dirk W.*, Layer G. (2010)
The oxygen-independent coproporphyrinogen III oxidase HemN utilizes harderoporphyrinogen as a reaction intermediate during conversion of coproporphyrinogen III to protoporphyrinogen IX
Biological Chemistry, 391 (1)

Heinemann I.U., Schulz C., Schubert W.D., Heinz Dirk W.*, Wang Y.G., Kobayashi Y., Awa Y., Wachi M., ... , Jahn D., Jahn M. (2010)
Structure of the heme biosynthetic Pseudomonas aeruginosa porphobilinogen synthase in complex with the antibiotic alaremycin
Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 54 (1)

Ferraris D.M., Gherardi E., Di Y., Heinz Dirk W.*, Niemann H (2010)
Ligand-mediated dimerization of the Met receptor tyrosine kinase by the bacterial invasion protein InIB
Journal of Molecular Biology, 395 (3)

Marin M., Heinz Dirk W.*, Pieper Dietmar H.*, Klink B.U. (2009)
Crystal structure and catalytic mechanism of 4-methylmuconolactone methylisomerase
Journal of Biological Chemistry, 284 (47)

Bublitz M., Nimtz Manfred*, Polle L., Holland C., Heinz Dirk W.*, Schubert Wolf-Dieter* (2009)
Structural basis for autoinhibition and activation of Auto, a virulence-associated peptidglycan hydrolase of L. monocytogenes
Molecular Microbiology, 71 (6)

Brocker M.J., Virus S., Ganskow S., Heathcote P., Heinz Dirk W.*, Schubert W.D., ... , Jahn D., Moser J. (2008)
ATP-driven reduction by dark-operative protochlorophyllide oxidoreductase from Chlorobium tepidum mechanistically resembles nitrogenase catalysis
Journal of Biological Chemistry, 283 (16)

Hagelüken G., Albrecht S.C., Steinmetz Heinrich*, Jansen Rolf*, Heinz Dirk W.*, ... , Kalesse Markus*, Schubert Wolf-Dieter* (2009)
The absolute configuration of rhizopodin and its inhibition of actin polymerization by dimerization
Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 48 (3)

Wiesand U., Sorg I., Amstutz M., Wagner S., van den Heuvel Joop*, Lührs Thorsten*, ... , Cornelis G.R., Heinz Dirk W.* (2009)
Structure of the type III secretion recognition protein YscU from Yersinia enterocolitica
Journal of Molecular Biology, 385 (3)

Bublitz M., Holland C., Sabet C., Reichelt J., Cossart P., Heinz Dirk W.*, ... , Bierne H., Schubert Wolf-Dieter* (2008)
Crystal structure and standardized geometric analysis of InlJ, a listerial virulence factor and leucine-rich repeat protein with a novel cysteine ladder
Journal of Molecular Biology, 378 (1)

Niemann H.H., Petoukhov M.V., Hartlein M., Moulin M., Gherardi E., Timmins P., ... , Heinz D.W., Svergun D.I. (2008)
X-ray and neutron small-angle scattering analysis of the complex formed by the met receptor and the Listeria monocytogenes invasion protein InlB
Journal of Molecular Biology, 377 (2)

Wendt K.U., Weiss M.S., Cramer P., Heinz Dirk W.* (2008)
Structures and diseases
Nature Structural and Molecular Biology, 15 (2)

Buettner C.R., Sorg I., Cornelis G.R., Heinz D.W., Niemann H.H. (2008)
Structure of the Yersinia enterocolitica
Journal of Molecular Biology, 375 (4)

Hagelüken G., Wiehlmann L., Adams T.M., Kolmar H., Heinz Dirk W.*, ... , Tümmler B., Schubert Wolf-Dieter* (2007)
Crystal structure of the electron transfer complex rubredoxin-rubredoxin reductase of Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS), 104 (30)

Niemann H.N., Jäger Volker*, Butler P.J.G., van den Heuvel Joop*, Schmidt S., Ferraris D., ... , Gherardi E., Heinz Dirk W.* (2007)
Structure of the human receptor tyrosine kinase met in complex with the Listeria monocytogenes
Cell, 130 (2)

Wollert Thomas*, Heinz Dirk W.*, Schubert Wolf-Dieter* (2007)
Thermodynamically reengineering the listerial invasion complex InIA/E-Cadherin
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS), 104 (35)

Lüer C., Schauer S., Virus S., Schubert Wolf-Dieter*, Heinz Dirk W.*, ... , Jahn D., Moser J. (2007)
Glutamate recognition and hydride transfer by Escherichia coli
FEBS Journal, 274 (17)

Wollert T., Pasche Bastian*, Rochon Maike*, Deppenmeier S., van den Heuvel Joop*, Gruber A.D., Heinz Dirk W.*, ... , Lengeling Andreas*, Schubert Wolf-Dieter* (2007)
Extending the host range of Listeria monocytogenes
Cell, 129 (5)

Frere F., Nentwich M., Gacond S., Heinz Dirk W.*, Neier R., Frankenberg-Dinkel N. (2006)
Probing the active site of Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Biochemistry, 45

Schulze J.O., Schubert Wolf-Dieter*, Moser J., Jahn D., Heinz Dirk W.* (2006)
Evolutionary relationship between initial enzymes of tetrapyrrole biosynthesis
Journal of Molecular Biology, 358

Schulze J.O., Masoumi A., Nickel D., Jahn M., Schubert Wolf-Dieter*, Heinz Dirk W.* (2006)
Crystal structure of a non-discriminating glutamyl-tRNA synthetase
Journal of Molecular Biology, 361

Niemann H.H., Schmoldt H.U., Wentzel A., Kolmar H., Heinz Dirk W.* (2006)
Barnase fusion as a tool to determine the crystal structure of the small disulfide-rich protein MceEeTI
Journal of Molecular Biology, 356

Layer G., Pierik A.J., Trost M., Jänsch Lothar*, Leech H.K., Warren M.J., Rigby S.E., Astner I., Grage K., Breckau D., ... , Heinz Dirk W.*, Jahn D. (2006)
The substrate radical of Escherichia coli
Journal of Biological Chemistry, 281

Jahn D., Moser J., Schubert Wolf-Dieter*, Heinz Dirk W.* (2006)
Transfer RNA-dependent aminolevulinic acid formation: structure and function of glutamyl-tRNA synthase, reductase and glutamate-1-semialdehyde-2,1-aminomutase

Heinz D.W., Weiss M.S., Wendt K.U. (2006)
Biomacromolecular interactions, assemblies and machines: A structural view
ChemBioChem, 7 (203)

Hagelüken G., Adams T.M., Wiehlmann L., Widow Ute*, Kolmar H., Tümmler B., ... , Heinz Dirk W.*, Schubert Wolf-Dieter* (2006)
The crystal structure of SdsA1, an alkylsulfatase from Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS), 103

Frese S., Schubert Wolf-Dieter*, Findeis A.C., Marquardt T., Roske Y.S., ... , Stradal Theresia E.B.*, Heinz Dirk W.* (2006)
Phosphotyrosine binding specificities of Nck1 and Nck2
Journal of Biological Chemistry, 281

Lüer C., Schauer S., Möbius K., Schulze J., Schubert W.-D., Heinz D.W., ... , Jahn D., Moser J. (2005)
Complex formation between Glutamyl-tRNA Reductase and Glutamate-1-semialdehyde-2,1-aminomutase in Escherichia coli during the initial reactions of porphyrin biosynthesis
Journal of Biological Chemistry, 280

Layer G., Kervio E., Morlock G., Heinz D.W., Jahn D., ... , Retey J., Schubert W.-D. (2005)
Structural and functional comparison of HemN to other radical SAM enzymes
Biological Chemistry, 386

Heinz D.W., Schubert W.-D. (2005)
Proteins in motion
Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 44

Heinz D.W., Schubert W.-D., Höfle G. (2005)
Much anticipated - The bioactive conformation of epothilone and its binding to tubulin
Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 44

Buettner C., Cornelis G.R., Heinz D.W., Niemann H.H. (2005)
Crystal structure of Yersinia enterocolitica
Protein Science, 14

Astner I., Schulze J.O., van den Heuvel J., Jahn D., Schubert W.-D., Heinz D.W. (2005)
Crystal structure of 5-aminolevulinate synthase, the first enzyme of heme biosynthesis, and its link to XLSA in humans
Embo Journal, 24

Eiting M., Hagelüken G., Schubert W.-D., Heinz D.W. (2005)
The mutation G145S in PrfA, a key virulence regulator of Listeria monocytogenes
Molecular Microbiology, 56 (2)

Reichelt J., Dieterich G., Kvesic M., Schomburg D., Heinz D.W. (2005)
BRAGI. Linking and visualization of database information in a 3D-viewer and modelling tool
Bioinformatics, 21

Heinz D.W., Schubert W.-D., Höfle G. (2005)
Lange gesucht - Die bioaktive Konformation von Epothilon und seine Bindung im Tubulin
Angewandte Chemie, 117 (9)

Frere F., Reents H., Schubert W.-D., Heinz D.W. (2005)
Tracking the evolution of porphobilinogen synthase metal dependence in vitro
Journal of Molecular Biology, 345 (5)

Dieterich G., Kvesic M., Schomburg D., Heinz D.W., Reichelt J. (2004)
Integrating public databases into an existing protein visualization and modeling program BRAGI
Lecture Notes in Informatics, P-53

Layer G., Heinz D.W., Jahn D., Schubert W.-D. (2004)
Structure and function of radical SAM enzymes
Current Opinion in Chemical Biology, 8

Ehinger S., Schubert W.-D., Bergmann S., Hammerschmidt S., Heinz D.W. (2004)
Plasmin(ogen)-binding alpha-Enolase from Streptococcus pneumoniae
Journal of Molecular Biology, 343

Niemann H., Schubert W.-D., Heinz D. (2004)
Adhesins and invasions of pathogenic bacteria: a structural view
Microbes and Infection, 6

Freiberg A., Machner M-P., Pfeil W., Schubert W.-D., Heinz D.W., Seckler R. (2004)
Folding and stability of the leucine-rich repeat domain of internalin B from Listeria monocytogenes
Journal of Molecular Biology, 337 (2)

Machner M.P., Frese S., Schubert W.-D., Orian-Rousseau V., Gherardi E., Wehland J., ... , Niemann H.H., Heinz D.W. (2003)
Aromatic amino acids at the surface of In1B are essential for host cell invasion by Lysteria monocytogenes
Molecular Microbiology, 48

Moser J., Frere F., Heinz D.W., Jahn D., Schubert W.-D. (2003)
Die tRNA-abhängige Tetrapyrrol-Biosynthese
Biospektrum, 9

Schubert W.-D., Heinz D.W. (2003)
Details der Wechselwirkung zwischen Bakterium und Mensch
Laborwelt (1)

Heesemann J., Heinz D.W., Rüssmann H., Wehland J., Goebel W., Kuhn M. (2003)
Lektionen aus der Bakterienwelt: Ausnutzung von Wirtszellprozessen durch pathogene Mikroben
Biospektrum, 9

Schubert W.-D., Heinz D.W. (2003)
Structural aspects of adhesion and invasion of host cells by the human pathogen Listeria monocytogenes
ChemBioChem, 4

Layer G., Moser J., Heinz D.W., Jahn D., Schubert W.-D. (2003)
Crystal structure of coproporphyrinogen III oxidase reveals cofactor geometry of radical SAM enzymes
Embo Journal, 22

van den Heuvel J., Heinz D.W. (2002)
"Plug and Play"-expression systems for high-quality production of recombinant proteins for structural analysis
Gene Function & Disease, 3 (1/2)

Schubert W.D., Moser J., Schauer S., Heinz D.W., Jahn D. (2002)
Structure and function of glutamyl-tRNA reductases, the first enzyme of tetrapyrrole biosynthesis in plants and prokaryotes
Photosynthesis Research, 74

Schubert W.-D., Urbanke C., Ziehm T., Beier V., Machner M.P., Domann E., Wehland J., ... , Chakraborty T., Heinz D.W. (2002)
Structure of the complex of internalin, a major invasion protein of Listeria monocytogenes with its human receptor, E-cadherin.
Cell, 111

Schauer S., Chaturvedi S., Randau L., Moser J., Kitabatake M., Lorenz S., Verkamp E., Schubert W.-D., Nakayashiki T., Murai M., Wall K., Thomann U., Heinz D.W., Inokuchi H., ... , Söll D., Jahn D. (2002)
Escherichia coli glutamyl-tRNA reductase: trapping the thioester intermediate.
Journal of Biological Chemistry, 247 (50)

Moser J., Schubert W.-D., Heinz D.W., Jahn D. (2002)
Structure and function of glutamyl-tRNA-reductase involved in 5-aminolevulinic acid formation
Biochemical Society Transactions, 30

Heinz D.W., Jahn D. (2002)
Strukturbiologie zur gerichteten Wirkstoffentwicklung
CHEManager, 11

Heinz D.W. (2002)
Modellsystem für Infektionen - Pathogene Bakterien auf ihrem unheilvollen Weg verfolgt
Jahreshefte der Helmholtz-Gesellschaft

Schubert W.D., Göbel G., Kloer D., Chakraborty T., Wehland J., ... , Domann E., Heinz D.W. (2001)
Crystal structure of the conserved core of internalins from the human pathogen Listeria monocytogenes.
Nova Acta Leopoldina Supplementum, 16

Schubert W.D., Göbel G., Diepholz M., Darji A., Kloer D., Hain T., Chakraborty T., Wehland J., ... , Domann E., Heinz D.W. (2001)
Internalins from the human pathogen Listeria monocytogenes combine three distinct folds into a contiguous internalin domain
Journal of Molecular Biology, 312 (4)

Moser J., Schubert W.D., Beier V., Bringemeier I., Jahn D., Heinz D.W. (2001)
V-shaped structure of glutamyl-tRNA reductase, the first enzyme of tRNA- dependent tetrapyrrole biosynthesis
Embo Journal, 20 (23)

Machner M.P., Urbanke C., Barzik M., Otten S., Sechi A.S., ... , Wehland J., Heinz D.W. (2001)
ActA from Listeria monocytogenes can interact with up to four Ena/VASP homology 1 domains simultaneously
Journal of Biological Chemistry, 276 (43)

Barzik M., Carl U.D., Schubert W.D., Frank R., Wehland J., Heinz D.W. (2001)
The N-terminal domain of Homer/Vesl is a new class II EVH1 domain
Journal of Molecular Biology, 309 (1)

Barzik M., Schubert W.D., Carl U., Wehland J., Heinz D.W. (2000)
Crystallization and preliminary X-ray analysis of the EVH1 domain of Vesl-2b
Acta crystallographica.Section D: Biological crystallography., 56 (7)