Prof. Dr. Melanie Brinkmann

Prof. Dr. Melanie Brinkmann

Melanie Brinkmann studierte Biologie an der Georg-August Universität Göttingen und der Humboldt Universität zu Berlin. Während ihrer Doktorarbeit am Institut für Virologie an der Medizinischen Hochschule Hannover studierte sie Herpesviren. Während ihrer Postdoktorandenzeit widmete sie sich der Studie von spezialisierten Rezeptoren des angeborenen Immunsystems, den Toll-like Rezeptoren. Diese Rezeptoren spielen eine wichtige Rolle bei der Erkennung und Bekämpfung von Herpesviren.

Nach ihrer vierjährigen Postdoktorandenzeit am Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research, das dem Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in Cambridge, USA, angegliedert ist, übernahm sie im Juli 2010 die Leitung der Nachwuchsgruppe “Virologie und angeborene Immunität“ am Helmholtz Zentrum für Infektionsforschung.

Melanie Brinkmann wurde mit dem Promotionspreis der Medizinischen Hochschule Hannover (2004), dem Robert-Koch-Postdoktoranden-Preis der Robert-Koch-Stiftung (2007), sowie 2016 dem Science Award der Gesellschaft für Signaltransduktion ausgezeichnet.

Von 2012 bis 2018 war Melanie Brinkmann Junior Professorin am Institut für Virologie der Medizinischen Hochschule Hannover. Seit Juli 2018 ist sie Professorin am Institut für Genetik an der Technischen Universität Braunschweig.

Stempel M., Maier O., Mhlekude B., Drakesmith H., Brinkmann M.M. (2024)
Novel role of bone morphogenetic protein 9 in innate host responses to HCMV infection

Eberhage J., Bresch I.P., Ramani R., Viohl N., Buchta T., Rehfeld C.L., Hinse P., Reubold T.F., ... , Brinkmann M.M., Eschenburg S. (2024)
Crystal structure of the tegument protein UL82 (pp71) from human cytomegalovirus
Protein Sci., 33 (3)

Büttner J.K., Becker S., Fink A., Brinkmann M.M., Holtappels R., ... , Reddehase M.J., Lemmermann N.A. (2023)
Direct antigen presentation is the canonical pathway of cytomegalovirus CD8 T-cell priming regulated by balanced immune evasion ensuring a strong antiviral response
Front.Immunol., 14

Harries M., Jaeger V.K., Rodiah I., Hassenstein M.J., Ortmann J., Dreier M., von Holt I., Brinkmann M., Dulovic A., Gornyk D., Hovardovska O., Kuczewski C., Kurosinski M.A., Schlotz M., Schneiderhan-Marra N., Strengert M., Krause G., Sester M., Klein F., Petersmann A., ... , Karch A., Lange B. (2024)
Bridging the gap - estimation of 2022/2023 SARS-CoV-2 healthcare burden in Germany based on multidimensional data from a rapid epidemic panel

Lange B., Jaeger V.K., Harries M., Rücker V., Streeck H., Blaschke S., Petersmann A., Toepfner N., Nauck M., Hassenstein M.J., Dreier M., von Holt I., Budde A., Bartz A., Ortmann J., Kurosinski M.A., Berner R., Borsche M., Brandhorst G., Brinkmann M., Budde K., Deckena M., Engels G., Fenzlaff M., Härtel C., Hovardovska O., Katalinic A., Kehl K., Kohls M., Krüger S., Lieb W., Meyer-Schlinkmann K.M., Pischon T., Rosenkranz D., Rübsamen N., Rupp J., Schäfer C., Schattschneider M., Schlegtendal A., Schlinkert S., Schmidbauer L., Schulze-Wundling K., St+Ârk S., Tiemann C., Völzke H., Winter T., Klein C., Liese J., Brinkmann F., Ottensmeyer P.F., Reese J.P., ... , Heuschmann P., Karch A. (2023)
Estimates of protection levels against SARS-CoV-2 infection and severe COVID-19 in Germany before the 2022/2023 winter season: the IMMUNEBRIDGE project

Schwanke H., Goncalves Magalhäes V, Schmelz S., Wyler E., Hennig T., Günther T., Grundhoff A., Dölken L., Landthaler M., Van Ham M., Jänsch L., Büssow K., van den Heuvel J., Blankenfeldt W., Friedel C.C., ... , Erhard F., Brinkmann M.M. (2023)
The Cytomegalovirus M35 Protein Directly Binds to the Interferon-b[beta] Enhancer and Modulates Transcription of Ifnb1 and Other IRF3-Driven Genes
J.Virol., 97 (6)

Engels G., Oechsle A.L., Schlegtendal A., Maier C., Holzwarth S., Streng A., Lange B., Karch A., Petersmann A., Streeck H., Blaschke-Steinbrecher S., Härtel C., Schroten H., von Kries R., Berner R., Liese J., Brinkmann F., Toepfner N., Forster J., Kurzai O., Pietsch F., Hick E., Hecker K., Lücke T., Hoffmann A., Schwarzbach M., Höppner J., Drinka D., Armann J., Blankenburg J., Falke U., Schneider J., Jäger V., Rücker V., Harries M., Hassenstein M., Dreier M., von Holt I., Budde A., Kurosinski M.A., Bartz A., Brandhorst G., Brinkmann M., Budde K., Deckena M., Fenzlaff M., Hovardovska O., Kehl K., Kohls M., Krüger S., Meyer-Schlinkmann K., Ottensmeyer P., Reese J.P., Rosenkranz D., Rübsamen N., Schattschneider M., Schäfer C., Schlinkert S., Schulze-Wundling K., Störk S., Tiemann C., Völzke H., Winter T., Heuschmann P., ... , Nauck M., IMMUNEBRIDGE KIDS study group (2023)
SARS-CoV-2 sero-immunity and quality of life in children and adolescents in relation to infections and vaccinations: the IMMUNEBRIDGE KIDS cross-sectional study, 2022

Rex V., Stempel M., Halle S., Brinkmann M.M. (2023)
The two faces of oligoadenylate synthetase-like: effective antiviral protein and negative regulator of innate immunity
Current Opinion in Virology, 60 (June 2023)

Rex V., Zargari R., Stempel M., Halle S., Brinkmann M.M. (2023)
The innate and T-cell mediated immune response during acute and chronic gammaherpesvirus infection
Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology, 13

Schwerk J., Kemper L., Bussey K.A., Lienenklaus S., Weiss S., Cicin-Sain L., Kröger A., Kalinke U., Collins C.M., Speck S.H., Messerle M., Wirth D., Brinkmann M.M., ... , Hauser H., Köster M. (2022)
Type I Interferon Signaling Controls Gammaherpesvirus Latency In Vivo
Pathogens, 11 (12)

Weber S.E., Gaß J., Zeng H., Erb-Brinkmann M., Schobert R. (2021)
Synthesis and Bioactivity of a Macrocidin B Stereoisomer
Org.Lett., 23 (21)

Klammer M.G., Dzaye O., Wallach T., Krüger C., Gaessler D., Buonfiglioli A., Derkow K., Kettenmann H., ... , Brinkmann M.M., Lehnardt S. (2021)
UNC93B1 Is Widely Expressed in the Murine CNS and Is Required for Neuroinflammation and Neuronal Injury Induced by MicroRNA let-7b
Front.Immunol., 12

Treiber L., Pezolt C., Zeng H., Schrey H., Jungwirth S., Shekhar A., Stadler M., Bilitewski U., ... , Erb-Brinkmann M., Schobert R. (2021)
Dual Agents: Fungal Macrocidins and Synthetic Analogues with Herbicidal and Antibiofilm Activities
Antibiotics.(Basel), 10 (8)

Tomac J., Mazor M., Lisniç B., Golemac M., Kvestak D., Braliç M., Biliç Zulle L., Brinkmann M.M., Dölken L., Reinert L.S., Paludan S.R., Krmpotiç A., ... , Jonjiç S., Juraniç Lisniç V. (2021)
Viral infection of the ovaries compromises pregnancy and reveals innate immune mechanisms protecting fertility

Gonzalez-Perez A.C., Stempel M., Wyler E., Urban C., Piras A., Hennig T., Ganskih S., Wei Y., Heim A., Landthaler M., Pichlmair A., Dölken L., Munschauer M., ... , Erhard F., Brinkmann M.M. (2021)
The zinc finger antiviral protein zap restricts human cytomegalovirus and selectively binds and destabilizes viral ul4/ul5 transcripts
MBio, 12 (3)

Priesemann V., Brinkmann M.M., Ciesek S., Cuschieri S., Czypionka T., Giordano G., Hanson C., Hens N., Iftekhar E., Klimek P., Kretzschmar M., Peichl A., Perc M., Sannino F., Schernhammer E., Schmidt A., ... , Staines A., Szczurek E. (2021)
Call for a pan-European COVID-19 response must be comprehensive - Authors' reply
Lancet, 397 (10284)

Brinkmann M., Drosten C. (2020)
A plea for masks in class: Prominent representatives of the Society for Virology take a stand on preventive measures / [Ein Plädoyer für Masken im Unterricht]
Dtsch.Apoth.Ztg., 160 (33)

Priesemann V., Balling R., Brinkmann M.M., Ciesek S., Czypionka T., Eckerle I., Giordano G., Hanson C., Hel Z., Hotulainen P., Klimek P., Nassehi A., Peichl A., Perc M., Petelos E., ... , Prainsack B., Szczurek E. (2021)
An action plan for pan-European defence against new SARS-CoV-2 variants
Lancet, 397 (10273)

Priesemann V., Brinkmann M.M., Ciesek S., Cuschieri S., Czypionka T., Giordano G., Gurdasani D., Hanson C., Hens N., Iftekhar E., Kelly-Irving M., Klimek P., Kretzschmar M., Peichl A., Perc M., Sannino F., Schernhammer E., Schmidt A., ... , Staines A., Szczurek E. (2020)
Calling for pan-European commitment for rapid and sustained reduction in SARS-CoV-2 infections
Lancet, 397 (10269)

Puhach O., Ostermann E., Krisp C., Frascaroli G., Schlüter H., ... , Brinkmann M.M., Brune W. (2020)
Murine cytomegaloviruses m139 targets DDX3 to curtail interferon production and promote viral replication
PLoS.Pathog., 16 (10)

Günther T., Czech-Sioli M., Indenbirken D., Robitaille A., Tenhaken P., Exner M., Ottinger M., Fischer N., ... , Grundhoff A., Brinkmann M.M. (2020)
SARS-CoV-2 outbreak investigation in a German meat processing plant
EMBO Mol.Med., 12 (12)

Wallenstein A., Rehm N., Brinkmann M., Selle M., Bossuet-Greif N., Sauer D., Bunk B., Spröer C., Wami H.T., Homburg S., von Bünau R., König S., Nougayrede J.P., Overmann J., Oswald E., ... , Müller R., Dobrindt U. (2020)
ClbR Is the Key Transcriptional Activator of Colibactin Gene Expression in Escherichia coli
mSphere, 5 (4)

Wallenstein A., Rehm N., Brinkmann M., Selle M., Bossuet-Greif N., Sauer D., Bunk B., Spröer C., Wami H.T., Homburg S., von Bünau R., König S., Nougayrede J.P., Overmann J., Oswald E., ... , Müller R., Dobrindt U. (2020)
Erratum for Wallenstein et al., "ClbR Is the Key Transcriptional Activator of Colibactin Gene Expression in Escherichia coli"
mSphere, 5 (4)

Schwanke H., Stempel M., Brinkmann M.M. (2020)
Of Keeping and Tipping the Balance: Host Regulation and Viral Modulation of IRF3-Dependent IFNB1 Expression
Viruses., 12 (7)

Fabits M., Magalhaes V.G., Chan B., Girault V., Elbasani E., Rossetti E., Saeland E., Messerle M., Pichlmair A., ... , Lisnic V.J., Brinkmann M.M. (2020)
The cytomegalovirus tegument protein ul35 antagonizes pattern recognition receptor-mediated type I IFN transcription
Microorganisms, 8 (6)

Reimer E., Stempel M., Chan B., Bley H., Brinkmann M.M. (2020)
Protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B is involved in efficient type I interferon secretion upon viral infection
J.Cell Sci., 134 (5)

Gonzalez-Perez A.C., Stempel M., Chan B., Brinkmann M.M. (2020)
One Step Ahead: Herpesviruses Light the Way to Understanding Interferon-Stimulated Genes (ISGs)
Front.Microbiol., 11 (Feb)

Khan N.S., Lukason D.P., Feliu M., Ward R.A., Lord A.K., Reedy J.L., Ramirez-Ortiz Z.G., Tam J.M., Kasperkovitz P.V., Negoro P.E., Vyas T.D., Xu S., Brinkmann M.M., Acharaya M., rtavanis-Tsakonas K., Frickel E.M., Becker C.E., Dagher Z., Kim Y.M., Latz E., Ploegh H.L., Mansour M.K., Miranti C.K., ... , Levitz S.M., Vyas J.M. (2019)
CD82 controls CpG-dependent TLR9 signaling
FASEB J., 33 (11)

Stempel M., Chan B., Brinkmann M.M. (2019)
Coevolution pays off: Herpesviruses have the license to escape the DNA sensing pathway
Med.Microbiol.Immunol, 208 (3-4)

Stempel M., Chan B., Juranic Lisnic V, Krmpotic A., Hartung J., Paludan S.R., Fullbrunn N., ... , Lemmermann N.A., Brinkmann M.M. (2019)
The herpesviral antagonist m152 reveals differential activation of STING-dependent IRF and NF-k[kappa]B signaling and STING's dual role during MCMV infection

Bussey K.A., Murthy S., Reimer E., Chan B., Hatesuer B., Schughart K., Glaunsinger B., ... , Adler H., Brinkmann M.M. (2019)
Endosomal Toll-like receptors 7 and 9 cooperate in detection of MHV68 infection
J.Virol., 93 (3)

Bussey K.A., Brinkmann M.M. (2018)
Strategies for immune evasion by human tumor viruses
Curr.Opin.Virol., 32

Faber E., Tedin K., Speidel Y., Brinkmann M.M., Josenhans C. (2018)
Functional expression of TLR5 of different vertebrate species and diversification in intestinal pathogen recognition
Sci.Rep., 8 (1)

Pelka K., Bertheloot D., Reimer E., Phulphagar K., Schmidt S.V., Christ A., Stahl R., Watson N., Miyake K., Hacohen N., Haas A., Brinkmann M.M., Marshak-Rothstein A., ... , Meissner F., Latz E. (2018)
The Chaperone UNC93B1 Regulates Toll-like Receptor Stability Independently of Endosomal TLR Transport
Immunity, 48 (5)

Bussey K.A., Lau U., Schumann S., Gallo A., Osbelt L., Stempel M., Arnold C., Wissing J., Gad H.H., Hartmann R., Brune W., Jänsch L., ... , Whitehouse A., Brinkmann M.M. (2018)
The interferon-stimulated gene product oligoadenylate synthetase-like protein enhances replication of Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV) and interacts with the KSHV ORF20 protein
PLoS.Pathog., 14 (3)

Chan B., Goncalves Magalhaes V, Lemmermann N.A.W., Juranic Lisnic V, Stempel M., Bussey K.A., Reimer E., Podlech J., Lienenklaus S., Reddehase M.J., ... , Jonjic S., Brinkmann M.M. (2017)
The murine cytomegalovirus M35 protein antagonizes type I IFN induction downstream of pattern recognition receptors by targeting NF-kappaB mediated transcription
PLoS Pathog., 13 (5)

Thurm C., Poltorak M.P., Reimer E., Brinkmann M.M., Leichert L., ... , Schraven B., Simeoni L. (2017)
A highly conserved redox-active Mx(2)CWx(6)R motif regulates Zap70 stability and activity
Oncotarget., 8 (19)

Babdor J., Descamps D., Adiko A.C., Tohme M., Maschalidi S., Evnouchidou I., Vasconcellos L.R., De Luca M., Mauvais F.X., Garfa-Traore M., Brinkmann M.M., Chignard M., ... , Manoury B., Saveanu L. (2017)
IRAP+ endosomes restrict TLR9 activation and signaling
Nat.Immunol., 18 (5)

Thiel N., Keyser K.A., Lemmermann N.A., Oduro J.D., Wagner K., Elsner C., Halenius A., Lenac Rovis T., Brinkmann M.M., Jonjic S., ... , Cicin-Sain L., Messerle M. (2016)
The Mouse Cytomegalovirus Gene m42 Targets Surface Expression of the Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase CD45 in Infected Macrophages
PLoS Pathog., 12 (12)

Andzinski L., Spanier J., Kasnitz N., Kroger A., Jin L., Brinkmann M.M., Kalinke U., Weiss S., ... , Jablonska J., Lienenklaus S. (2016)
Growing tumors induce a local STING dependent type I IFN response in dendritic cells
Int.J Cancer, 139 (6)

Nocera D.A., Roselli E., Araya P., Nunez N.G., Lienenklaus S., Jablonska J., Weiss S., Gatti G., Brinkmann M.M., Kroger A., ... , Moron G., Maccioni M. (2016)
In Vivo Visualizing the IFN-b[beta] Response Required for Tumor Growth Control in a Therapeutic Model of Polyadenylic-Polyuridylic Acid Administration
J Immunol., 196 (6)

Zhang G., Chan B., Samarina N., Abere B., Weidner-Glunde M., Buch A., Pich A., ... , Brinkmann M.M., Schulz T.F. (2016)
Cytoplasmic isoforms of Kaposi sarcoma herpesvirus LANA recruit and antagonize the innate immune DNA sensor cGAS
Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci U.S A, 113

Brinkmann M.M., Daq F., Hengel H., Messerle M., Kalinke U., Cicin-Sain L. (2015)
Cytomegalovirus immune evasion of myeloid lineage cells
Med.Microbiol.Immunol., 204

Zhang K., Dupont A., Torow N., Gohde F., Leschner S., Lienenklaus S., Weiss S., Brinkmann M.M., Kuhnel M., Hensel M., ... , Fulde M., Hornef M.W. (2014)
Age-dependent enterocyte invasion and microcolony formation by salmonella
PLoS Pathogens, 10 (9)

Bussey K.A., Reimer E., Todt H., Denker B., Gallo A., Konrad A., Ottinger M., Adler H., Sturzl M., ... , Brune W., Brinkmann M.M. (2014)
The gammaherpesviruses KSHV and MHV68 modulate the TLR-induced proinflammatory cytokine response
Journal of Virologie, 88 (16)

Trsan T., Busche A., Abram M., Wensveen F.M., Lemmermann N.A., Arapovic M., Babic M., Tomic A., Golemac M., Brinkmann Melanie M., Jager W., Oxenius A., Polic B., Krmpotic A., ... , Messerle M., Jonjic S. (2013)
Superior induction and maintenance of protective CD8 T cells in mice infected with mouse cytomegalovirus vector expressing RAE-1gamma
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, 110 (41)

Scheibe E., Lienenklaus Stefan, May Tobias, Magalhaes V.G., Weiss Siegfried, Brinkmann Melanie M. (2013)
Measurement of Mouse Cytomegalovirus-Induced Interferon-b[beta] with Immortalized Luciferase Reporter Cells
Methods in Molecular Biology, 1064

Kim J., Huh J., Hwang M., Kwon E.H., Jung D.J., Brinkmann Melanie M., Jang M.H., ... , Ploegh H.L., Kim Y.M. (2013)
Acidic Amino Acid Residues in the Juxtamembrane Region of the Nucleotide-Sensing TLRs Are Important for UNC93B1 Binding and Signaling
Journal of Immunology, 190 (10)

Avalos A.M., Kirak O., Oelkers J.M., Pils Marina C., Kim Y.-M., Ottinger M., Jaenisch R., ... , Ploegh H.L., Brinkmann Melanie M. (2013)
Cell-specific TLR9 trafficking in primary APCs of transgenic TLR9-GFP mice
Journal of Immunology, 190 (2)

Henault J., Martinez J., Riggs J.M., Tian J., Mehta P., Clarke L., Sasai M., Latz E., Brinkmann Melanie M., Iwasaki A., Coyle A.J., Kolbeck R., ... , Green D.R., Sanjuan M.A. (2012)
Noncanonical Autophagy Is Required for Type I Interferon Secretion in Response to DNA-Immune Complexes
Immunity, 37 (6)

Fliss P.M., Jowers T.P., Brinkmann Melanie M., Holstermann B., Mack C., Dickinson P., Hohenberg H., ... , Ghazal P., Brune W. (2012)
Viral mediated redirection of NEMO/IKKgamma to autophagosomes curtails the inflammatory cascade
PLoS Pathogens, 8 (2)

Park B., Buti L., Lee S., Matsuwaki T., Spooner E., Brinkmann Melanie M.*, ... , Nishihara M., Ploegh H.L. (2011)
Granulin Is a Soluble Cofactor for Toll-like Receptor 9 Signaling
Immunity, 34 (4)