
Displaying results 691 to 700 of 773.


Prof. Dr. Till Strowig

Prof Dr Till Strowig Head of Research Group +49 531 6181-4700 E-Mail Till Strowig studied Medical Biotechnology at the “Technische Universität” Berlin. After his diploma thesis at The Rockefeller University in New York, he remained there for his Ph.D.…


Prof. Dr. Wulf Blankenfeldt

Prof Dr Wulf Blankenfeldt Head of Department +49 531 6181-7000 E-Mail Wulf Blankenfeldt studied chemistry at the Technische Universität Braunschweig (TU) and earned his doctorate in “Crystal structure analysis of tyrosine aminotransferase from Trypanosoma…


Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Dirk Heinz

Prof Dr Dr h.c. Dirk Heinz Head of Department +49 531 6181-3700 E-Mail Dirk Heinz is a German biochemist and structural biologist. He studied chemistry in Freiburg/Germany and received his PhD in structural biology from the University of Basel/Switzerland.…


Prof. Dr. Luka Cicin-Sain

Prof Dr Dr Luka Cicin-Sain Head of Research Group +49 531 6181-4608 E-Mail Born in Croatia, Luka Cicin-Sain studied medicine at the University of Rijeka, his hometown. In 1996, he received his M.D. After that he studied biomedicine and spent a year as a…


Transfer of Knowledge

Transfer of Knowledge The HZI's research program places particular emphasis on the effective transfer of research results into clinical and industrial applications . In addition, the transfer of knowledge to society also plays a major role for us. The…


Biological Barriers

Biological Barriers © HZI/Manfred Rohde Electron micrograph of macrophages. Why is it that you can't just take insulin as a tablet? The answer: Biological barriers. Millions of diabetics have to administer this pancreatic hormone by daily injections.…


Natural Substances

Nature - our medicine cabinet © HZI Promising agar plates: Discovering new drugs in bacterial cultures. The meaning of the term, "natural product", varies depending on perspective: While laymen understand the term to simply mean substances originating from…


System Biology

System biology - it's all about the big picture © HZI/Frank Bierstedt A pipetting robot in the HZI laboratory. The aim of system biologists is to describe the dynamic processes of life and biological systems using mathematical models. Genomics, proteomics,…



Nano-particles - small, but powerful © HZI/HIPS Electromicroscopic image of nanoparticles. Change the world with tiny particles? Thanks to nanotechnology, it’s not that unrealistic. Nano-particles are so small that they cannot be seen even with a light…