Workshop & Symposium

17th Mini-Herpesvirus Workshop and 2nd International CMV Symposium of FOR 2830

12.09.24 - 13.09.24
HZI Campus

This joint meeting provides a great opportunity for young herpesvirus researchers to present their data to a knowledgeable audience, meet colleagues, and to initiate productive collaborations. This year, the annual Mini-Herpesvirus Workshop will be held together with the international symposium of the DFG FOR 2830 “Advanced Concepts in the Cellular Immune Control of Cytomegalovirus”.

Confirmed speakers include:

  • Boris Bogdanow (Leibniz-FMP, Berlin)
  • Emma Poole (University of Cambridge, UK)
  • Elvira D’Ippolito (TU Munich)
  • Hannes Vietzen (Medizinische Universität Wien)
  • Noam Stern-Ginossar (Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot).
  • Thomas Schulz (Medizinische Hochschule Hannover)

Moreover, we will enjoy short oral presentations given by graduate students and postdocs, which will be selected from submitted abstracts.

When and where

The joint meeting will start on Thursday, September 12th, at 2 pm with the 2nd International CMV Symposium followed by an evening barbeque reception for the annual MHW. The program will resume Friday 13th at 9:30 am with the Mini-Herpesvirus Workshop in the Forum building of the Helmholtz Institute for Infection Research, Inhoffenstr. 7, 38124 Braunschweig.


To register, please send an email with “Registration for Mini-Herpesvirus Workshop” in the subject to Claudia Munzel with your name, position (PhD student, postdoc, PI, other), address, and dietary preferences (e.g. vegetarian). Please also indicate whether you will join the 2nd International CMV Symposium and the barbeque on Thursday. The registration fee includes lunch and coffee on Friday as well as the social event on Thursday evening. Participation in the 2nd International CMV Symposium of FOR 2830 is free of charge.

  • Early bird registration fee (until 31 July, 2024) – 30 €
  • Late registration fee (until 1 September, 2024) – 50 €

Please transfer the registration fee to:
Luka Cicin-Sain
Verwendungszweck/reason for transfer: 17th Mini-Herpesvirus Workshop, name of participant
IBAN: DE16 2707 2524 0197 1415 02

Deadline for registration and payment: 31 July, 2024 (early 30€), 1 September, 2024 (late 50€).

The abstract submission for talks and posters is closed. Thank you to everyone who submitted their abstracts.
Abstract dispositions will be sent out on the 27 August, 2024.


Accommodation is not provided. However, we have secured a small contingent of rooms in the Penta Hotel in Braunschweig (booking code: MHVW2024), and convenient rooms are available in the Landhaus Dürkop in Wolfenbüttel. Alternatively, there are multiple other options close by that can be found online.

We look forward to seeing you in Braunschweig for a great meeting!

Portrait Luka Cicin-Sain

Press contact

Prof Dr Dr Luka Cicin-Sain
Head of Research Group
Show details