Publication Database

The publication database contains all articles from HZI staff (formerly GBF) starting with year 2000.


Gacem,M.A., Gacem,H., Boukerouis,D., Wink,J. (2021)
CRISPR-Cas systems as antimicrobial agents for agri-food pathogens
Tsay,H.C., Yuan,Q., Balakrishnan,A., Kaiser,M., Möbus,S., Kozdrowska,E., Farid,M., Tegtmeyer,P.K., Borst,K., Vondran,F.W.R., Kalinke,U., Kispert,A., Manns,M.P., ... , Ott,M., Sharma,A.D. (2022)
Corrigendum to: Hepatocyte-specific suppression of microRNA-221-3p mitigates liver fibrosis [J Hepatol (2019) 722-734] (Journal of Hepatology (2019) 722-734, (S0168827818326357), (10.1016/j.jhep.2018.12.016))
Journal of Hepatology
Sváb,D., Falgenhauer,L., Papp,V., Rohde,M., Chakraborty,T., Tóth,I. (2022)
Characterisation of new anti-O157 bacteriophages of bovine origin representing three genera
Archives of Microbiology 204 (4)
Spring,S., Rohde,M., Bunk,B., Spröer,C., Will,S.E., Neumann-Schaal,M. (2022)
New insights into the energy metabolism and taxonomy of Deferribacteres revealed by the characterization of a new isolate from a hypersaline microbial mat
Environmental Microbiology
Sharafutdinov,I., Tegtmeyer,N., Müsken,M., Backert,S. (2022)
Campylobacter jejuni Serine Protease HtrA Induces Paracellular Transmigration of Microbiota across Polarized Intestinal Epithelial Cells
Biomolecules 12 (4)
Schlicker,L., Zhao,G., Dudek,C.A., Boers,H.M., Meyer-Hermann,M., ... , Jacobs,D.M., Hiller,K. (2022)
Systemic Lactate Acts as a Metabolic Buffer in Humans and Prevents Nutrient Overflow in the Postprandial Phase
Frontiers in Nutrition 9
Ramírez-Sánchez,A.D., Chu,X., Modderman,R., Kooy-Winkelaar,Y., Koletzko,S., Korponay-Szabó,I.R., Troncone,R., Wijmenga,C., Mearin,L., Withoff,S., ... , Jonkers,I.H., Li,Y. (2022)
Single-Cell RNA Sequencing of Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells From Pediatric Coeliac Disease Patients Suggests Potential Pre-Seroconversion Markers
Frontiers in Immunology 13
Petrovíc,J., Fernandes,A., Stojkovíc,D., Sokovíc,M., Barros,L., Ferreira,I.C.F.R., ... , Shekhar,A., Glamoclija,J. (2022)
A Step Forward Towards Exploring Nutritional and Biological Potential of Mushrooms: A Case Study of Calocybe gambosa (Fr.) Donk Wild Growing in Serbia
Polish Journal of Food and Nutrition Sciences 72 (1)
Octaviana,S., Mozef,T., Wink,J. (2022)
Taxonomy and Antimicrobial Activity of Gliding Bacterium from Indonesian Mangroves
HAYATI Journal of Biosciences 29 (3)
Neis,N., Xie,F., Krug,D., Zhao,H., Siebert,A., Binz,T.M., Fu,C., ... , Müller,R., Kazmaier,U. (2022)
Stereoselective Syntheses of Deuterated Pipecolic Acids as Tools to Investigate the Stereoselectivity of the Hydroxylase GetF
European Journal of Organic Chemistry 2022 (13)