
Displaying results 81 to 83 of 83.

Research Group

Microbial Drugs

The majority of the medically important antibiotic drugs are derived from secondary metabolites, which are produced by bacteria and filamentous fungi. Despite intensive world-wide efforts using alternative approaches, no other concept could so far surpass the historically successful strategy to exploit biologically active natural products as candidates for anti-infective drugs. The recently observed, increasing resistance of the human pathogens against antibiotics has prompted us to intensify our search for novel lead structures from microorganisms and fungi, which can be used as anti-infective drugs.

Research Group

Transgenic Mice

Genetically modified mice can provide information about the function of particular genes or individual genetic elements. Further, they can be specifically designed to mimic certain physiologic or pathologic conditions. The Service Unit "Transgenic Mice" (TGSM) creates such genetically modified mice for researchers of the center.

Research Group

Model Systems for Infection and Immunity

In infection research experiments on cells and mice have a pivotal role. Frequently such model systems have to be tailored to allow tackling a specific scientific question. To this end, genetic modification of cell lines and mice is being pursued.