Publication Database

The publication database contains all articles from HZI staff (formerly GBF) starting with year 2000.


Graw,J., Loster,J., Soewarto,D., Fuchs,H., Meyer,B., Reis,A., Wolf,E., ... , Balling,R., De Angelis,M.H. (2001)
Characterization of a new, dominant V124E mutation in the mouse alphaA- crystallin-encoding gene
Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 42 (12)
Graw,J., Klopp,N., Loster,J., Soewarto,D., Fuchs,H., Becker-Follmann,J., Reis,A., Wolf,E., ... , Balling,R., De Angelis,M.H. (2001)
Ethylnitrosourea-induced mutation in mice leads to the expression of a novel protein in the eye and to dominant cataracts
Genetics 157 (3)
Graw,J., Loster,J., Soewarto,D., Fuchs,H., Meyer,B., Reis,A., Wolf,E., ... , Balling,R., De Angelis,M.H. (2001)
Characterization of a mutation in the lens-specific Mp70 encoding gene of the mouse leading to a dominant cataract
Experimental Eye Research 73 (6)
Goodfellow,B.J., Dias,J.S., Ferreira,G.C., Henklein,P., Wray,V., Macedo,A.L. (2001)
The solution structure and heme binding of the presequence of murine 5-aminolevulinate synthase
Febs Letters 505 (2)
Golyshin,P.N., Timmis,K.N., Yakimov,M. (2001)
Oil eating bacteria
Bioworld 2
Glensk,M., Wray,V., Nimtz,M., Schöpke,T. (2001)
Triterpenoid saponins of Bellis perennis
Scientia Pharmaceutica 69
Glaser,P., Frangeul,L., Buchrieser,C., Rusniok,C., Amend,A., Baquero,F., Berche,P., Blöcker,H., Brandt,P., Chakraborty,T., Charbit,A., Chetouani,F., Couve,E., De Daruvar,A., Dehoux,P., Domann,E., Dominguez-Bernal,G., Duchaud,E., Durant,L., Dussurget,O., Entian,K.D., Fsihi,H., Garcia-Del Portillo,F., Garrido,P., Gautier,L., Goebel,W., Gomez-Lopez,N., Hain,T., Hauf,J., Jackson,D., Jones,L.M., Kärst,U., Kreft,J., Kuhn,M., Kunst,F., Kurapkat,G., Madueno,E., Maitournam,A., Vicente,J.M., Ng,E., Nedjari,H., Nordsiek,G., Novella,S., De Pablos,B., Perez-Diaz,J.C., Purcell,R., Remmel,B., Rose,M., Schlueter,T., Simoes,N., Tierrez,A., Vazquez-Boland,J.A., Voss,H., ... , Wehland,J., Cossart,P. (2001)
Comparative genomics of Listeria species
Science 294 (5543)
Gerth,K., Steinmetz,H., Höfle,G., Reichenbach,H. (2001)
Studies on the biosynthesis of epothilones: the PKS and epothilone C/D monooxygenase
Journal of Antibiotics <Tokyo> 54 (2)
Gern,R.M., Furlan,S.A., Ninow,J.L., Jonas,R. (2001)
Screening for microorganisms that produce only endo-inulinase
Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 55 (5)
Geffers,R., Sell,S., Cerff,R., Hehl,R. (2001)
The TATA box and a Myb binding site are essential for anaerobic expression of a maize GapC4 minimal promoter in tobacco
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Gene Structure and Expression 1521 (1-3)