Publication Database

The publication database contains all articles from HZI staff (formerly GBF) starting with year 2000.


Böldicke,T., Tesar,M., Griesel,C., Rohde,M., Gröne,H.-J., Waltenberg,J., Kollet,O., Lapidot,T., ... , Yayon,A., Weich,H. (2000)
Single-chain antibodies recognizing the human vascular endothelial growth factor receptor-2 (VEGFR-2/flk-1) on the surface of primary endothelial cells and preselected CD34 +
Stem Cells 19
Kirchhoff,S., Müller,W.W., Krueger,A., Schmitz,I., Krammer,P.H. (2000)
TCR-mediated Up-regulation of c-FLIP short correlates with resistance towards CD95-mediated apoptosis
Journal of Immunology 165
Blöcker,H. (2000)
Biologen lernen lesen - Anstöße aus der Genomforschung / Biologists learn to read - impetus from genome research.
Bennassar,A., de Luna,G., Cabrer,B., Lalucat,J. (2000)
Rapid identification of Salmonella typhimurium
International microbiology 3
Schmitz,I., Kirchhoff,S., Krammer,P.H. (2000)
Regulation of death receptor-mediated apoptosis pathway
Journal of Biochemistry and Cell Biology 32
Faiella,A., Wernig,M., Consalez,G.G., Hostick,U., Hofmann,C., Hustert,E., Boncinelli,E., ... , Balling,R., Nadeau,J.H. (2000)
A mouse model for valproate teratogenicity: parental effects, homeotic transformations, and altered HOX expression
Human molecular genetics 9 (2)
Flaswinkel,H., Alessandrini,F., Rathkolb,B., Decker,T., Kremmer,E., Servatius,A., Jakob,T., Soewarto,D., Marschall,S., Fella,C., Behrendt,H., Ring,J., Wolf,E., Balling,R., ... , Hrabe de Angelis,M., Pfeffer,K. (2000)
Identification of immunological relevant phenotypes in ENU mutagenized mice
Mammalian Genome 11 (7)
Hammen,S., Heckmann,R., Langer,O., Wray,V., Lang,S., Rau,U. (2000)
Veredlung pflanzlicher Öle durch enzymatische Modifizierung biotechnisch gewonnener Tenside
Bader,A., Steinhoff,G., Strobl,K., Schilling,T., Brandes,G., Mertsching,H., Tsikas,D., ... , Froehlich,J., Haverich,A. (2000)
Engineering of human aortic tissue based on a xenogeneic starter matrix.
Transplantation 70
Goodfellow,B.J., Dias,J., Ferreira,G.C., Henklein,P., Wray,V., Macedo,A.L. (2000)
A structural study of the presequence of 5-Aminolevulinate synthase, the first enzyme of the heme biosynthetic pathway.
Biophysical Journal 78 (1)