Publication Database

The publication database contains all articles from HZI staff (formerly GBF) starting with year 2000.


Gress,A., Srikakulam,S.K., Keller,S., Ramensky,V., Kalinina,O.V. (2022)
d-StructMAn: Containerized structural annotation on the scale from genetic variants to whole proteomes
Gigascience 11
Cheng,P., Zhao,X., Katsnelson,L., Camacho-Hernandez,E.M., Mermerian,A., Mays,J.C., Lippman,S.M., Rosales-Alvarez,R.E., Moya,R., Shwetar,J., Grun,D., ... , Fenyo,D., Davoli,T. (2022)
Proteogenomic analysis of cancer aneuploidy and normal tissues reveals divergent modes of gene regulation across cellular pathways
eLife 11 (September 2022)
Tistechok,S., Myronovskyi,M., Fedorenko,V., Luzhetskyy,A., Gromyko,O. (2022)
Screening of Thiopeptide-Producing Streptomycetes Isolated From the Rhizosphere Soil of Juniperus excelsa
Curr.Microbiol. 79 (10)
Meister,T.L., Arroyo,L.G., Shanahan,R., Papapetrou,M.A., Reinecke,B., Brüggemann,Y., Todt,D., Stang,A., Hazlett,M., ... , Baird,J.D., Steinmann,E. (2022)
Infection of young foals with Equine Parvovirus-Hepatitis following a fatal non-biologic case of Theiler's disease
Vet.Microbiol. 274
Hitch,T.C.A., Bisdorf,K., Afrizal,A., Riedel,T., Overmann,J., ... , Strowig,T., Clavel,T. (2022)
A taxonomic note on the genus Prevotella: Description of four novel genera and emended description of the genera Hallella and Xylanibacter
Syst.Appl.Microbiol. 45 (6)
Plenderleith,L.J., Liu,W., Li,Y., Loy,D.E., Mollison,E., Connell,J., Ayouba,A., Esteban,A., Peeters,M., Sanz,C.M., Morgan,D.B., Wolfe,N.D., Ulrich,M., Sachse,A., Calvignac-Spencer,S., Leendertz,F.H., Shaw,G.M., ... , Hahn,B.H., Sharp,P.M. (2022)
Zoonotic origin of the human malaria parasite Plasmodium malariae from African apes
Nat.Commun. 13 (1)
Bernal,F.A., Hammann,P., Kloss,F. (2022)
Natural products in antibiotic development: is the success story over?
Curr.Opin.Biotechnol. 78
Ding,B., Yang,S., Schaks,M., Liu,Y., Brown,A.J., Rottner,K., ... , Chowdhury,S., Chen,B. (2022)
Structures reveal a key mechanism of WAVE regulatory complex activation by Rac1 GTPase
Nat.Commun. 13 (1)
Groh,L.A., Ferreira,A.V., Helder,L., van der Heijden,C.D.C.C., Novakovic,B., van de,Westerlo E., Matzaraki,V., Moorlag,S.J.C.F., de Bree,L.C., Koeken,V.A.C.M., Mourits,V.P., Keating,S.T., van Puffelen,J.H., Hoischen,A., Joosten,L.A.B., Netea,M.G., ... , Koopman,W.J.H., Riksen,N.P. (2021)
oxLDL-Induced Trained Immunity Is Dependent on Mitochondrial Metabolic Reprogramming
Immunometabolism. 3 (3)
Fuchs,J., Söhnlein,D., Vanella,P. (2021)
Migration Forecasting - Significance and Approaches
Encyclopedia 1 (3)