Publication Database

The publication database contains all articles from HZI staff (formerly GBF) starting with year 2000.


Basso,H., Rohde,M., Guzmán,C.A. (2000)
Vectors to achieve selective expression of vaccine antigens within eukaryotic cells using Salmonella spp. as carrier strains
Fems Microbiology Letters 182 (2)
Beltrametti,F., Kresse,A.U., Guzmán,C.A. (2000)
Transcriptional regulation of the pas pene of enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli
Fems Microbiology Letters 184 (1)
Galanos,C., Gumenscheimer,M., Mühlradt,P., Jirillo,E., Freudenberg,M. (2000)
MALP-2, a mycoplasma lipopeptide with classical endotoxic properties: end of an era of LPS monopoly?
Journal of Endotoxin Research 6 (6)
Contzen,M., Moore,E.R.B., Blümel,S., Stolz,A., Kämpfer,P. (2000)
Hydrogenophaga intermedia sp. nov., a 4-aminobenzenesulfonate degrading organism.
Systematic and Applied Microbiology 23
Garcia-Del Portillo,F., Jungnitz,H., Rohde,M., Guzmán,C.A. (2000)
Interaction of Salmonella enterica
Infection and Immunity 68 (5)
Kirchhoff,S., Oumard,A., Nourbakhsh,M., Levi,B.Z., Hauser,H. (2000)
Interplay between repressing and activating domains defines the transcriptional activity of IRF-1
European Journal of Biochemistry 267 (23)
West,N.P., Jungnitz,H., Fitter,J.T., Mcarthur,J.D., Guzmán,C.A., Walker,M.J. (2000)
Role of phosphoglucomutase of Bordetella bronchiseptica in lipopolysaccharide biosynthesis and virulence
Infection and Immunity 68 (8)
Montosi,G., Paglia,P., Garuti,C., Guzmán,C.A., Bastin,J.M., ... , Colombo,M.P., Pietrangelo,A. (2000)
Wild-type Hfe protein normalizes transferrin iron accumulation in macrophages from subjects with hereditary hemochromatosis
Blood 96 (3)
Kwissa,M., Unsinger,J., Schirmbeck,R., Hauser,H., Reimann,J. (2000)
Polyvalent DNA vaccines with bidirectional promoters
Journal of Molecular Medicine 78 (9)
Paglia,P., Terrazzini,N., Schulze,K., Guzmán,C.A., Colombo,M.P. (2000)
In vivo correction of genetic defects of monocyte/macrophages using attenuated Salmonella as oral vectors for targeted gene delivery
Gene Therapy 7 (20)