Publication Database

The publication database contains all articles from HZI staff (formerly GBF) starting with year 2000.


Pourmoghaddam,M.J., Ekiz,G., Lambert,C., Surup,F., Primahana,G., Wittstein,K., Khodaparast,S.A., Voglmayr,H., Krisai-Greilhuber,I., ... , Stradal,T.E.B., Stadler,M. (2022)
Studies on the secondary metabolism of Rosellinia and Dematophora strains (Xylariaceae) from Iran
Mycol.Prog. 21 (8)
Pira,H., Risdian,C., Müsken,M., Schupp,P.J., Wink,J. (2022)
Winogradskyella luteola- sp.nov., Erythrobacter ani sp. nov., and Erythrobacter crassostrea sp.nov., isolated from the hemolymph of the Pacific Oyster Crassostrea gigas
Arch.Microbiol. 204 (8)
Schlauersbach,J., Kehrein,J., Hanio,S., Galli,B., Harlacher,C., Heidenreich,C., Lenz,B., ... , Sotriffer,C., Meinel,L. (2022)
Predicting Bile and Lipid Interaction for Drug Substances
Mol.Pharm. 19 (8)
Marin-Felix,Y., Miller,A.N. (2022)
Corrections to recent changes in the taxonomy of the Sordariales
Mycol.Prog. 21 (8)
Kazmierski,J., Elsner,C., Döhner,K., Xu,S., Ducroux,A., Pott,F., Jansen,J., Thorball,C.W., Zeymer,O., Zhou,X., Fedorov,R., Fellay,J., Löffler,M.W., Weber,A.N.R., ... , Sodeik,B., Goffinet,C. (2022)
A Baseline Cellular Antiviral State Is Maintained by cGAS and Its Most Frequent Naturally Occurring Variant rs610913
J.Immunol. 209 (3)
Kwabla,M.P., Klett-Tammen,C.J., Castell,S. (2022)
Barriers and motivation for presumptive tuberculosis case referral: qualitative analysis among operators of community medicine outlets in Ghana
BMC Health Serv Res 22 (1)
Lee,M., Huan,T., McCartney,D.L., Chittoor,G., de Vries,M., Lahousse,L., Nguyen,J.N., Brody,J.A., Castillo-Fernandez,J., Terzikhan,N., Qi,C., Joehanes,R., Min,J.L., Smilnak,G.J., Shaw,J.R., Yang,C.X., Colicino,E., Hoang,T.T., Bermingham,M.L., Xu,H., Justice,A.E., Xu,C.J., Rich,S.S., Cox,S.R., Vonk,J.M., Prokic,I., Sotoodehnia,N., Tsai,P.C., Schwartz,J.D., Leung,J.M., Sikdar,S., Walker,R.M., Harris,S.E., van der Plaat,D.A., Van Den Berg,D.J., Bartz,T.M., Spector,T.D., Vokonas,P.S., Marioni,R.E., Taylor,A.M., Liu,Y., Barr,R.G., Lange,L.A., Baccarelli,A.A., Obeidat,M., Fornage,M., Wang,T., Ward,J.M., Motsinger-Reif,A.A., Hemani,G., Koppelman,G.H., Bell,J.T., Gharib,S.A., Brusselle,G., Boezen,H.M., North,K.E., Levy,D., Evans,K.L., Dupuis,J., Breeze,C.E., ... , Manichaikul,A., London,S.J. (2022)
Pulmonary Function and Blood DNA Methylation A Multiancestry Epigenome-Wide Association Meta-analysis
Am.J.Respir.Crit.Care Med. 206 (3)
Kazmierski,J., Friedmann,K., Postmus,D., Emanuel,J., Fischer,C., Jansen,J., Richter,A., Bosquillon de Jarcy,L., Schüler,C., Sohn,M., Sauer,S., Drosten,C., Saliba,A.E., Sander,L.E., Müller,M.A., ... , Niemeyer,D., Goffinet,C. (2022)
Nonproductive exposure of PBMCs to SARS-CoV-2 induces cell-intrinsic innate immune responses
Mol Syst Biol 18 (8)
Kage,F., Döring,H., Mietkowska,M., Schaks,M., Grüner,F., Stahnke,S., Steffen,A., Müsken,M., ... , Stradal,T.E.B., Rottner,K. (2022)
Lamellipodia-like actin networks in cells lacking WAVE regulatory complex
J Cell Sci 135 (15)
Akmatov,M.K., Holstiege,J., Dammertz,L., Heuer,J., Kohring,C., Lotto-Batista,M., Boeing,F., Ghozzi,S., ... , Castell,S., Bätzing,J. (2022)
Epidemiology of Lyme borreliosis based on outpatient claims data of all people with statutory health insurance, Germany, 2019
Euro Surveill 27 (32)