Publication Database

The publication database contains all articles from HZI staff (formerly GBF) starting with year 2000.


Liebich,I., Bode,J., Reuter,I., Wingender,E. (2002)
Evaluation of sequence motifs found in scaffold/matrix-attached regions (S/MARs)
Nucleic Acids Research 30 (15)
Liebich,I., Bode,J., Frisch,M., Wingender,E. (2002)
S/MARt DB: a database on scaffold/matrix attached regions
Nucleic Acids Research 30 (1)
Ledger,T., Pieper,D.H., Pérez-Pantoja,D., González,B. (2002)
Novel insights into interplay between xyl genes-encoded peripheral reactions and tfd genes-encoded chlorocatechol pathway for degradation of chlorobenzoates by Ralstonia eutropha JMP 134
Microbiology <Reading> 148
Lechner,O., Bruder,D., Lauber,J., Buer,J. (2002)
Anerge T-Zellen: Immunregulatoren mit Potential für die Klinik!
Die gelben Hefte 42
Lechner,O., Bruder,D., Lauber,J., Buer,J. (2002)
Anergic T-cells: immunregulators with clinical implications!
Biomedical Progress 15
Landtag,J., Baumert,A., Degenkolb,T., Schmidt,J., Wray,V., Scheel,D., ... , Strack,D., Rosahl,S. (2002)
Accumulation of tyrosol glucoside in transgenic potato plants expressing a parsley tyrosine decarboxylase.
Phytochemistry 60
Kusnick,C., Jansen,R., Liberra,K., Lindequist,U. (2002)
Ascochital, a new metabolite from the marine ascomycete Kirschsteiniothelia maritima
Pharmazie 57 (7)
Krusch,S., Domann,E., Frings,M., Zelmer,A., Diener,M., ... , Chakaborty,T., Weiss,S. (2002)
Listeria monocytogenes mediated CFTR transgene transfer to mammalian cells.
The journal of gene medicine 4 (6)
Krumme,D., Hecht,H.J., Menge,U., Ross,A., Wray,V., Flohe,L. (2002)
1H, 15N and 13C resonance assignments and secondary structure of tryparedoxin-I from Crithidia fasciculata
Journal of Biomolecular NMR 22 (4)
Kröger,A., Köster,M., Schroeder,K., Hauser,H., Müller,P.P. (2002)
Activities of IRF-1
Journal of Interferon and Cytokine Research 22 (1)