Publication Database

The publication database contains all articles from HZI staff (formerly GBF) starting with year 2000.


Müller,K., Wirth,M. (2002)
Real-time RT-PCR detection of retroviral contaminations of cells and cell lines
Cytotechnology 38 (1)
Muriithi,M.W., Abraham,W.R., Addae-Kyereme,J., Scowen,I., Croft,S.L., Gitu,P.M., Kendrick,H., ... , Njagi,E.N., Wright,C.W. (2002)
Isolation and in vitro antiplasmodial activities of alkaloids from Teclea trichocarpa: in vivo antimalarial activity and X-ray crystal structure of normelicopicine
Journal of Natural Products 65 (7)
Munder,A., Krusch,S., Tschernig,T., Dorsch,M., Lührmann,A., van Griensven,M., Tümmler,B., ... , Weiss,S., Hedrich,H.-J. (2002)
Pulmonary microbial infection in mice: comparison of different application methods and correlation of bacterial numbers and histophathology
Experimental and Toxicologic Pathology 54
Moser,J., Schubert,W.-D., Heinz,D.W., Jahn,D. (2002)
Structure and function of glutamyl-tRNA-reductase involved in 5-aminolevulinic acid formation
Biochemical Society Transactions 30
Morr,M., Takeuchi,O., Akira,S., Simon,M., Mühlradt,P.F. (2002)
Differential recognition of structural details of bacterial lipopeptides by toll-like receptors
European Journal of Immunology 32
Modak,J., Deckwer,W.-D., Zeng,A.-P. (2002)
Metabolic control analysis of eucaryotic pyruvate dehydrogenase multienzyme-complex
Biotechnology progress 18
Mielke,C., Christensen,M.O., Westergaard,O., Bode,J., Benham,C.J., Breindl,M. (2002)
Multiple collagen I gene regulatory elements have sites of stress- induced DNA duplex destabilization and nuclear scaffold/matrix association potential
Journal of cellular biochemistry 84 (3)
Mielke,C., Benham,C., Bode,J., Breindl,M. (2002)
Nuclear matrix association potential of regulatory elements in the collagen 1a1 gene
Journal of cellular biochemistry 84 (3)
Merino,D., Reglier-Poupet,H., Berche,P., Charbit,A., The European Listeria Genome Consortium, Blöcker,H., Brandt,P., Kärst,U., ... , Nordsiek,G., Wehland,J. (2002)
A hypermutator phenotype attenuates the virulence of Listeria monocytogenes in a mouse model
Molecular Microbiology 44 (3)
Meraro,D., Gleit-Kielmanowicz,M., Hauser,H., Levi,B.Z. (2002)
IFN-stimulated gene 15 Is synergistically activated through interactions between the myelocyte/lymphocyte-specific transcription factors, PU.1, IFN regulatory factor-8/IFN consensus sequence binding protein, and IFN regulatory factor-4: characterization of a new subtype of IFN-stimulated response element
Journal of Immunology 168 (12)