
Displaying results 1331 to 1340 of 1444.

Research Group

Personalised Immunotherapy

Our motivation is to address fundamental questions of human immunology and translate them into personalized therapies and diagnostics. Specifically, our laboratory discovers new applications of antibodies and B cells to treat and prevent human infectious diseases. Effective vaccines against some viruses that escape antibody responses remain elusive. To tackle this challenge, we develop methods to better understand B cell responses, the cells that produce antibodies. We design tailored vaccines and provide novel solutions for infection diagnostics. This Department is located at the Centre for Individualised Infection Medicine ( CiiM ).

Research Group

Computational Biology for Individualised Medicine

Infections are among the biggest threats to health and the most significant causes of death worldwide. Our aim is to reveal the host genetic risk factors and their downstream molecular pathways, which are crucial to make progress in understanding and treating infectious diseases in an individualised manner as well as to improve the identification of patients at risk. The department is part of the developing CiiM and currently housed at the TWINCORE in Hannover.


Prof Dr Sébastien Calvignac-Spencer

Research Group Leader
Pathogen Evolution

Prof Dr Fabian Leendertz

Research Group Leader
Ecology and Emergence of Zoonoses

Dr Jan Frederik Gogarten

Dr Jan Frederik Gogarten Research Group Leader +49 3834-3916-300 E-Mail Jan Gogarten is a wildlife disease ecologist who recently founded the Evolutionary Community Ecology Research Group at the Helmholtz Institute for One Health in Greifswald. He was…


Prof Dr Neva Caliskan

Jun Prof Dr Neva Caliskan Head of Research Group +49 931 318 5298 E-Mail Neva Caliskan studied molecular biology and genetics at the Middle East Technical University in Ankara (Turkey) and worked as a visiting scholar in 2005 at EMBL in Heidelberg. She…


Prof Dr Dr Luka Cicin-Sain

Head of Research Group
Viral Immunology
HZI Campus

Prof Dr Mark Brönstrup

Head of Research Group
Chemical Biology
HZI Campus

Prof Dr Till Strowig

Head of Research Group
Microbial Immune Regulation
HZI Campus

Dr Jan Frederik Gogarten

Research Group Leader
Evolutionary Community Ecology