
Die Publikationsdatenbank des HZI verzeichnet alle Publikationen von Mitarbeiter:innen des Helmholtz-Zentrums für Infektionsforschung sowie der Vorgängerinstitution, GBF, ab dem Erscheinungsjahr 2000.

Baumgarte,S., Moore,E.R.B., Tindall,B.J. (2001)
Re-examining the 16S rDNA sequence of Halomonas salina
International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 51
Barzik,M., Carl,U.D., Schubert,W.D., Frank,R., Wehland,J., Heinz,D.W. (2001)
The N-terminal domain of Homer/Vesl is a new class II EVH1 domain
Journal of Molecular Biology 309 (1)
Barthold,M., Mayer,H., Jäger,V. (2001)
Cultivation of primary osteogenic cells in serumreduced or serum-free culture media: attachment, proliferation and differentiation
Bartels,F., Fernandez,S., Holtel,A., Timmis,K.N., de Lorenzo,V. (2001)
The essential HupB and HupN proteins of Pseudomonas putida
Journal of Biological Chemistry 276 (20)
Balling,R. (2001)
ENU mutagenesis: analyzing gene function in mice
Baer,A., Bode,J. (2001)
Coping with kinetic and thermodynamic barriers: RMCE, an efficient strategy for the targeted integration of transgenes
Current Opinion in Biotechnology 12 (5)
Anspach,F.B. (2001)
Endotoxin removal by affinity sorbents
Journal of Biochemical and Biophysical Methods 49
Alonzi,T., Middleton,G., Wyatt,S., Buchman,V., Betz,U.A., Müller,W., Musiani,P., ... , Poli,V., Davies,A.M. (2001)
Role of STAT3 and Pl 3-kinase/Akt in mediating the survival actions of cytokines on sensory neurons
Molecular and Cellular Neurosciences 18
Alessandrini,F., Jakob,T., Wolf,A., Wolf,E., Balling,R., De Angelis,M.H., ... , Ring,J., Behrendt,H. (2001)
Enu mouse mutagenesis: generation of mouse mutants with aberrant plasma ige levels
International Archives of Allergy and Immunology 124 (1-3)
Ahituv,N., Erven,A., Fuchs,H., Balling,R., De Angelis,M.H., ... , Steel,K.P., Avraham,K.B. (2001)
Ap-2 alpha transcription factor mutation demonstrates the power of enu.
American Journal of Human Genetics 69 (4)