
Die Publikationsdatenbank des HZI verzeichnet alle Publikationen von Mitarbeiter:innen des Helmholtz-Zentrums für Infektionsforschung sowie der Vorgängerinstitution, GBF, ab dem Erscheinungsjahr 2000.

Jahnke,K., Staufer,O. (2024)
Membranes on the move: The functional role of the extracellular vesicle membrane for contact-dependent cellular signalling
Journal of Extracellular Vesicles 13 (4)
Jung,E., Hunter,M., Dorst,A., Major,A., Teofilovic,T., ... , Müller,R., Gademann,K. (2024)
Isolation of Fidaxomicin and Shunt Metabolites from Actinoplanes deccanensis
Helvetica Chimica Acta
Keller,A., Müller,R. (2024)
Neue Antibiotika durch KI und Synthetische Biologie
Biospektrum 30 (2)
Klawonn,F., Riekeberg,N., Hoffmann,G. (2024)
Importance and Uncertainty of l[lambda]-Estimation for Box-Cox Transformations to Compute and Verify Reference Intervals in Laboratory Medicine
Stats 7 (1)
Klee,B., Diexer,S., Horn,J., Langer,S., Wende,M., Ortiz,D., Bielecka,A., Strowig,T., ... , Mikolajczyk,R., Gottschick,C. (2024)
The impact of non-pharmaceutical interventions on community non-SARS-CoV-2 respiratory infections in preschool children
BMC Pediatrics 24 (1)
Krueger,M.B., Bonifacius,A., Dragon,A.C., Santamorena,M.M., Nashan,B., Taubert,R., Kalinke,U., Maecker-Kolhoff,B., ... , Blasczyk,R., Eiz-Vesper,B. (2024)
In Vitro Profiling of Commonly Used Post-transplant Immunosuppressants Reveals Distinct Impact on Antiviral T-cell Immunity Towards CMV
Transplant International 37
Kumar,N., Prakash,P.G., Wentland,C., Kurian,S.M., Jethva,G., Brinkmann,V., Mollenkopf,H.J., Krammer,T., Toussaint,C., Saliba,A.E., Biebl,M., Jürgensen,C., Wiedenmann,B., Meyer,T.F., ... , Gurumurthy,R.K., Chumduri,C. (2024)
Decoding spatiotemporal transcriptional dynamics and epithelial fibroblast crosstalk during gastroesophageal junction development through single cell analysis
Nature Communications 15 (1)
Lauber,C., Zhang,X., Vaas,J., Klingler,F., Mutz,P., Dubin,A., Pietschmann,T., Roth,O., Neuman,B.W., Gorbalenya,A.E., ... , Bartenschlager,R., Seitz,S. (2024)
Deep mining of the Sequence Read Archive reveals major genetic innovations in coronaviruses and other nidoviruses of aquatic vertebrates
PLoS Pathogens 20 (4/ April)
Liunardo,J.J., Messerli,S., Gregotsch,A.K., Lang,S., Schlosser,K., Rückert-Reed,C., Busche,T., Kalinowski,J., Zischka,M., Weller,P., Nouioui,I., Neumann-Schaal,M., Risdian,C., ... , Wink,J., Mack,M. (2024)
Isolation, characterisation and description of the roseoflavin producer Streptomyces berlinensis sp. nov
Environmental Microbiology Reports 16 (2)
Mingo,Y.B., Gabele,L., Lonnemann,N., Br+¦ne,B., Korte,M., Hosseini,S. (2024)
The effects of urolithin A on poly I:C-induced microglial activation
Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience 18