
Die Publikationsdatenbank des HZI verzeichnet alle Publikationen von Mitarbeiter:innen des Helmholtz-Zentrums für Infektionsforschung sowie der Vorgängerinstitution, GBF, ab dem Erscheinungsjahr 2000.

Felske,A. (2002)
Streamlined representational difference analysis for comprehensive studies of numerous genomes
Journal of Microbiological Methods 50
Ernest,S., Christensen,B., Gilfix,B.M., Mamer,O.A., Hosack,A., Rodier,M., Colmenares,C., McGrath,J., Bale,A., Balling,R., Sankoff,D., ... , Rosenblatt,D.S., Nadeau,J.H. (2002)
Genetic and molecular control of folate-homocysteine metabolism in mutant mice
Mammalian Genome 13 (5)
Erdogan,S., Fagan,P.K., Talay,S.R., Rohde,M., Ferrieri,P., Flores,A.E., Guzmán,C.A., ... , Walker,M.J., Chhatwal,G.S. (2002)
Molecular analysis of group B protective surface protein, a new cell surface protective antigen of group B streptococci
Infection and Immunity 70 (2)
Erben,R.G., Soegiarto,D.W., Weber,K., Zeitz,U., Lieberherr,M., Gniadecki,R., Moller,G., ... , Adamski,J., Balling,R. (2002)
Deletion of deoxyribonucleic acid binding domain of the vitamin d receptor abrogates genomic and nongenomic functions of vitamin d
Molecular Endocrinology 16 (7)
Elser,B., Lohoff,M., Kock,S., Giasi,M., Kirchhoff,S., ... , Krammer,P.H., Li-Weber,M. (2002)
IFN-gamma represses IL-4 expression via IRF-1 and IRF-2
Immunity 17
Eichler,J., Houghten,R.A. (2002)
Combinatorial synthesis
Ehlers,S., Lehmann,J., Müller,K., Buer,J., Lauber,J. (2002)
Measuring immune responses
Edrada,R.A., Ebel,R., Supriyono,A., Wray,V., Schupp,P., Steube,K., ... , van Soest,R., Proksch,P. (2002)
Swinhoeiamide A, a new highly active calyculin derivative from the marine sponge, Theonella swinhoei.
Journal of Natural Products 65
Edrada,R.A., Heubes,M., Brauers,G., Wray,V., Berg,A., Gräfe,U., Wohlfahrt,M., Mühlbacher,J., Schaumann,K., Sudarsono, ... , Bringmann,G., Proksch,P. (2002)
Online analysis of xestodecalactones A-C, novel bioactive metabolites from the fungus Penicillium cf. montanese and their subsequent isolation from the sponge Xestospongia exigua
Journal of Natural Products 65
Dussurget,O., Cabanes,D., Dehoux,P., Lecuit,M., The European Listeria Genome Consortium, Glaser,C., Buchrieser,P., Cossart,P., Blöcker,H., Brandt,P., Kärst,U., ... , Nordsiek,G., Wehland,J. (2002)
Listeria monocytogenes bile salt hydrolase is a PrfA-regulated virulence factor involved in the intestinal and hepatic phases of listeriosis
Molecular Microbiology 45