
Die Publikationsdatenbank des HZI verzeichnet alle Publikationen von Mitarbeiter:innen des Helmholtz-Zentrums für Infektionsforschung sowie der Vorgängerinstitution, GBF, ab dem Erscheinungsjahr 2000.

Reinscheid,D.J., Gottschalk,B., Schubert,A., Eikmanns,B.J., Chhatwal,G.S. (2001)
Identification and molecular analysis of PcsB, a protein required for cell wall separation of group B streptococcus
Journal of Bacteriology 183 (4)
Reil,E., Höfle,G., Draber,W., Oettmeier,W. (2001)
Quinolones and their N-oxides as inhibitors of photosystem Ii and the cytochrome B(6)/F-complex
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Bioenergetics 1506 (2)
Rau,U., Hammen,S., Heckmann,R., Wray,V., Lang,S. (2001)
Sophorolipids: a source for novel compounds
Industrial Crops and Products 13 (2)
Rapp,P. (2001)
Multiphasic kinetics of transformation of 1,2,4-trichlorobenzene at nano- and micromolar concentrations by Burkholderia sp. strain PS14
Applied and Environmental Microbiology 67 (8)
Pukall,R., Kramer,I., Rohde,M., Stackebrandt,E. (2001)
Microbial diversity of cultivatable bacteria associated with the North Sea bryozoan Flustra foliacea
Systematic and Applied Microbiology 24 (4)
Potrawfke,T., Armengaud,J., Wittich,R.M. (2001)
Chlorocatechols substituted at positions 4 and 5are substrates of the broad-spectrum chloroatechol 1,2-dioxygenase of Pseudomonas chloroaphis RW71
Journal of Bacteriology 183
Potapov,A., Wingender,E. (2001)
Modeling the architecture of regulatory networks
Pollmann,K., Beil,S., Pieper,D.H. (2001)
Transformation of chlorinated benzenes and toluenes by Ralstonia sp. strain PS12 tecA (tetrachlorobenzene dioxygenase) and tecB (chlorobenzene dihydrodiol dehydrogenase) gene products
Applied and Environmental Microbiology 67 (9)
Plock,A., Beyer,G., Hiller,K., Grundemann,E., Krause,E., ... , Nimtz,M., Wray,V. (2001)
Application of MS and NMR to the structure elucidation of complex sugar moieties of natural products: exemplified by the steroidal saponin from Yucca filamentosa L
Phytochemistry 57 (3)
Pilawa,S., Zander,N., Frank,R. (2001)
Optimized reaction conditions for the direct esterification of protected amino acids to cellulose membrane supports by the SPOT-technique