
Scientists stand in front of a screen on which the online monitoring system SORMAS is displayed.
In autumn 2017, Nigeria suspected an outbreak of human monkey pox. Immediately, epidemiologists adapted their online disease surveillance system and travelled to Nigeria to support the locals. The 2014 Ebola outbreak in West Africa revealed an urgent need of efficient disease surveillance systems, because it became evident that the outcome of an epidemic also depends on how fast disease control measures are implemented. HZI scientists from the Department of Epidemiology, led by Gérard Krause, teamed up with Nigerian scientists and developed a mobile-based application, which allows real-time data collection and application of disease control measures called Surveillance, Outbreak Response Management and Analysis System (SORMAS).
Im Fokus der WASA-Studie: Alle interessierten Ärzte und Ärztinnen, insbesondere aus dem praktischen und allgemeinmedizinischen Bereich sowie hausärztlich tätige Internisten und Internistinnen der Region Südostniedersachsen.
Antibiotics are still overprescribed in primary care and prescriptions are often not in line with the recommendations and guidelines set out by the medical associations. For this reason, the Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research (HZI) and the Hygienenetzwerk Südostniedersachsen, the City of Braunschweig, the Klinikum Braunschweig, and the AOK Niedersachsen have developed a project called "Effectiveness of training on antibiotic prescription routine for General Practitioners (GP)" (Wirksamkeit von Antibiotikaschulungen in der niedergelassenen Ärzteschaft, WASA) that is funded by the Federal Ministry of Health (Bundesministerium für Gesundheit, BMG).
Das Forscherteam in Thailand.
Fungi are considered a natural source of antimicrobials in drug discovery. So far, little research has been done on the fungal diversity of tropical regions which promises novel compounds with antibiotic activity. An international research group led by Prof Marc Stadler from the Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research (HZI) has discovered novel metabolites that displayed antimicrobial and nematicidal responses. These substances are produced by a previously unknown type of fungus, which the team discovered during their study in the rainforest of Thailand. Results of their study were published in the scientific journal MycoKeys.
Dieter Jahn
"Infections and Drugs" is one of four research topics of the Technische Universität Braunschweig. This positions TU Braunschweig as a close partner of the HZI. Their cooperation was the basis of the Systems Biology Centre BRICS that was established jointly in 2011. In an InFact interview, BRICS speaker Dieter Jahn, who is a professor of microbiology, explains how the TU Braunschweig and the HZI may benefit from each other in the long term.
AESDarstellung des Fingerabdrucks der Genexpression jeder einzelnen Zelle in einer dreidimensionalen Projektion nach bioinformatischer Analyse zur Identifizierung des jeweiligen Zellphänotyps.
Stroke and heart attack are the leading cause of death in the Western world. Würzburg scientists have used a special technique to get a clearer picture of the cells involved and their activity. They present their results in the journal Circulation Research.

HZI in the media

Die Schüler vom Greifswalder Alexander-von-Humboldt Gymnasium forschen in diesem Schuljahr zusammen mit Forschern ...


Sendung: NDR Info | 01.07.2024 | 14:00 Uhr

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