
Displaying results 671 to 678 of 678.

Research Group

Central Facility for Microscopy

Light microscopy and electron microscopy are excellent high resolution tools to investigate the adhesion and invasion mechanisms of pathogenic bacteria. High resolution electron microscopy permits to examine and unravel pathogenicity mechanisms on a morphological basis. ZEIM offers equipment and highly sophisticated expertise for the preparation and observation of biological samples.



Universal Flu Vaccine Candidate Protects Against Infection in Animal Models

Researchers at Cleveland Clinic’s Lerner Research Institute and the HZI have reported that their universal flu vaccine candidate elicited a strong immune response and provided protection against severe infection and rapid clearance after viral exposure in ferrets. This…


Enter the world of infection research - Open Day at the HZI

During guided tours, HZI researchers explain, for example, how new active substances against infections can be developed from natural products or how they use epidemiological studies to understand the spread of diseases and contribute to the health of the population. In…



Research Group

Innate Immunity and Infection

The moment a pathogen, which has successfully entered the body, is recognized, the body quickly mobilizes its defenses. Interferons are molecules that are counted among the body’s first line of defense. They prevent proliferation and the spread of viruses in the body and serve to alert the immune system. Read here about the different ways we use to try and decode this system, all in an effort to find new approaches to infectious disease prevention and therapy.