
Displaying results 631 to 640 of 676.

Research Group

Vaccinology and Applied Microbiology

Vaccination is the most efficient strategy to prevent infectious diseases. The art of the vaccine researcher lies in finding substances that prevent us from falling ill with diseases such as influenza or viral hepatitis. But what makes a vaccine successful and ensures effective protection? Our scientists study the reaction of the immune system to answer that question – and to develop better vaccination strategies.

Research Group

Laboratory of Transmission Immunology

Transmission of viruses is only possible during a specific time frame after infection: we can call this the “window of transmission”. A major gap in mitigating (e.g., airborne) transmission and closing this window quickly is the lack of understanding of critical immune determinants of efficient transmission. To be able to close the window of transmission through the design of better mitigation strategies, we develop a mechanistic understanding of the spatial and longitudinal interplay between virus tropism, innate and adaptive immune responses, changes in host physiology, and exhalation or shedding of infectious virus in droplets or fluids.

Research Group

Systems Immunology

To see the immune system with the eyes of mathematics – that is the guiding principle of the department Systems Immunology. Mathematical models help to faster and better understand diseases that are associated with immune functions. Read here how scientists use mathematics to investigate chronic inflammatory diseases, the regulation of adaptive immune responses, and the interaction between the nervous, the endocrine and the immune system.

Research Group

Synthetic biology of microbial natural products

The Bozhüyük group focuses on bacterial natural products, with unique structures and bioactive properties. The group studies modular assembly lines like polyketide synthases (PKSs) and non-ribosomal peptide synthetases (NRPSs), which produce many essential clinical agents – but are especially valuable to develop new anti-infectives. This group is located at the Helmholtz Institute for Pharmaceutical Research Saarland (HIPS) .

Research Group

Core Facility of Comparative Medicine

To be able to investigate diseases, understand the relationships between pathogens and their host and to develop novel strategies against pathogens, the scientists at the HZI depend on experiments that involve the use of laboratory animals. For this purpose, the HZI operates a central animal facility on campus. The primary task of this service unit is the breeding and keeping of laboratory mice as well as provision of services for the scientists of the HZI, centered around laboratory animal science.

Research Group

Viral Immunology

“Back then, I wasn’t ill so often”: With advancing age not only the skin loses its elasticity – many organs lose their functions. So does the immune system: Defense cells do not react promptly anymore, and immunological memory is not established. As a result, we are poorly protected by vaccines and more susceptible to infections, but at the same time suffer from inflammatory disease. While the mechanisms of immune aging remain unknown, chronic viral infections are environmental factors that may accelerate the age-related changes of the immune system. Read more about how pathogens may have an impact on the real age of our immune system.

Research Group

Drug Design and Optimization

In order to combat the increasing number of resistant pathogens, the development of new anti-infective drugs is an important goal for pharmaceutical research. Efficient medications with novel modes-of-action to fight infectious diseases are urgently needed. Below, you may read more about the design, identification and optimisation of new drug candidates. This group is located at the Helmholtz Institute for Pharmaceutical Research Saarland (HIPS) .

Research Group

Drug Bioinformatics

Bioinformatics is instrumental in all areas of molecular biology, from analysis of genome sequences towards predicting three-dimensional structure of drug-target complexes. We apply cutting-edge bioinformatics and computer science techniques for discovery of novel resistance mechanisms and predicting mode-of-action of bioactive compounds. This group is located at the Helmholtz Institute for Pharmaceutical Research Saarland (HIPS)

Research Group

Central Facility for Microscopy

Light microscopy and electron microscopy are excellent high resolution tools to investigate the adhesion and invasion mechanisms of pathogenic bacteria. High resolution electron microscopy permits to examine and unravel pathogenicity mechanisms on a morphological basis. ZEIM offers equipment and highly sophisticated expertise for the preparation and observation of biological samples.


More than the sum of the parts

Mutations in the genome of viruses or bacteria occur every time the genetic material is replicated and rarely have a positive effect. If they do, they give the pathogen new characteristics. One example of these are the so-called “escape mutations”, which enable a virus…
