Summer School

Lower Saxony International Summer Academy in Immunology (LISA)

25.08.24 - 30.08.24

Inflammation, regeneration and immunity: Basic aspects, novel approaches and experimental models

The LISA Summer Academy is organised by Hannover Medical School (MHH) and TWINCORE and supported by the Helmholtz Centers within the research field Health (DKFZ, MDC, DZNE, Helmholtz Munich, HZDR and HZI). For all information regarding the Summer Academy, please see the website:

LISA Website

The LISA Summer Academy in Immunology allows excellent international students of life-sciences to gain knowledge in "cutting-edge" inflammation research. This field has gained a tremendous momentum over the last 15 years due to progress in the area of innate and adaptive immunity. 

Workshop topics:

  • Pathogen sensing, mouse models
  • Induction of pathogen-specific immunity
  • Infection of organs
  • Genetic and environmental impact on infection
  • scRNAseq workshop
  • Intervention strategies
  • One day at the Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research in Braunschweig



  • Camille Andrieu, Matthias Bruhn, Theresa Graalmann, Ulrich Kalinke, Felix Mulenge, Andreas Pavlou, Abdus Salam


  • Georg Behrens, Berislav Bosnjak, Manuela Büttner, Markus Cornberg, Daniel Depledge, Nataliya DiDonato, Anna-Maria Dittrich, Britta Eiz-Vesper, Niko Föger, Reinhold Förster, Gaby Froriep, Nishanth Gopalakrishna, Guntram Grassl, Jenny Kühne, Susanne Kruse, Nico Lachmann, Kyeong-Hee Lee, Matthias Lochner, Sarina Ravens, Lennart Rösler, Axel Schambach, Abel Viejo Borbolla

Fraunhofer ITEM

  • Armin Braun


  • Luka Cicin-Sain, Carlos Guzman, Till Strowig, Saumya Dileep Kumar


  • Benjamin Vollmer

Program of LISA Summer Academy 2024